Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScript
Many more details on but this single library can generate random numbers, characters, strings, names, addresses, dice, and pretty much anything else.
It includes the basic building blocks for all these items and is built on top of a Mersenne Twister so it can generate these things with repeatability, if desired.
It can also be used with Bower
bower install chance
then in the HTML of your app:
<!-- Load Chance -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="components/chance/chance.min.js"></script>
// Use Chance immediately!
npm install chance
It can also be used with spm.
spm install chance
Chance instantiates itself onto the window. This means that in the simplest case you can just include the script tag then use an instance of Chance immediately.
<script src="chance.js"></script>
To use Chance from the command line, install it globally with:
npm install -g chance
Then invoke any generator by name, like so:
$ chance name --prefix
Dr. Georgia Sanchez
$ chance latitude --min=12.34 --max 56.78
And it can be used in Node.js.
var Chance = require('chance'),
chance = new Chance();
// Get a random zip code;
Chance also includes an AMD define so it can be used with RequireJS.
require(['Chance'], function(Chance) {
// Instantiate
var chance = new Chance();
// Then just use it:
var my_random_integer = chance.integer();
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions.
project : chancejs
repo age : 1 year, 7 months
active : 120 days
commits : 447
files : 24
authors :
305 Victor Quinn 68.2%
26 Oliver Salzburg 5.8%
13 Tim Petricola 2.9%
12 Alex DiLiberto 2.7%
11 davmillar 2.5%
7 Jan Tojnar 1.6%
5 Michael Cordingley 1.1%
5 Matt Klaber 1.1%
4 Chris Villarreal 0.9%
4 Abhijeet Pawar 0.9%
4 Avishaan 0.9%
4 Kevin Garnett 0.9%
3 Nicholas Johnson 0.7%
3 qjcg 0.7%
3 Alexandr Lozovyuk 0.7%
3 Dominic Barnes 0.7%
2 xshyamx 0.4%
2 Adam Krebs 0.4%
2 Andreas Koeberle 0.4%
2 Iskren Chernev 0.4%
2 Nathan MacInnes 0.4%
2 Pascal Borreli 0.4%
2 SeeSchloss 0.4%
2 Stefan Penner 0.4%
2 dhilipsiva 0.4%
2 path411 0.4%
2 shyam 0.4%
1 Richard Anaya 0.2%
1 afc163 0.2%
1 Johannes Stein 0.2%
1 ddunning 0.2%
1 Doug Lawrence 0.2%
1 flrent 0.2%
1 kkroner 0.2%
1 leesei 0.2%
1 Ryan Tenney 0.2%
1 Samuel Greene 0.2%
1 lkptrzk 0.2%
1 Brian.Barnett 0.2%
1 Ng Patrick 0.2%
Be a part of this project! You can run the test using the following.
- Install dependencies from package.json by running
npm install
- Install dependencies for testing by running
bower install
- Run the test via
npm test
- Make some fun new modules!
This project is licensed under the MIT License so feel free to hack away :)
Proudly written in Washington, D.C.