
JavaScript playground

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Backbone Boilerplate

This boilerplate is the product of much research and frustration. Existing boilerplates freely modify Backbone core, lack a build process, and are very prescriptive; Backbone Boilerplate changes that.

Organize your application in a logical filesystem, develop your Models/Collections/Views/Routers inside modules, and build knowing you have efficient code that will not bottleneck your users.

Thanks to our Contributors!

Special Thanks to: cowboy, iros, nimbupani, wookiehangover, and jugglinmike for helping me create this project.

Extra Special Thanks to: Paul Guinan for giving me usage rights to his fantastic Boilerplate character.


View the Backbone Boilerplate documentation here:

GitHub Wiki

Build process

To use the new and improved build process, please visit the grunt-bbb plugin repo and follow the instructions to install. Basing your project off this repo will allow the bbb commands to work out-of-the-box.