
Form validation written in Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Form validation written in Javascript


AUTHOR : Pedro J. Martínez Martínez


  1. Add the fields to the HTML with the attrib id="<field>-input", and the attrib name="field". Then add a label with the attrib id : <field>-validation. Where field is the name of your new field to validate.

    That validation label, which you just added, is needed in order to properly show the results.

An example:

	<label for="name">Name: </label>
	<input name="name" type="text" id="name-input"> <!-- Required tag-->
	<label id="name-validation" for="name"></label> <!-- Required tag-->
	<!-- Required HTML attribs: 
		- name="<field>" inside the element with the field.
		- id="<field>-input" inside the element with the field.
		- id="<field>-validation" inside the label.
		Replace <field> with the desired name.

Another one:

	<label for="cif">CIF: </label>
	<input name="cif" type="text" id="cif-input">
	<label id="cif-validation" for="cif"></label>
  1. Next, add the fields to the FIELDS of options with the regular expression to validate. Regular expression without quotes! See Options reference below.


	myNewOptions = { 	
						FIELDS {
									'name' : /^[a-z\s\u00E0-\u00FC]{3,25}$/i


	myNewOptions = { 	
						FIELDS {
									'name' : /^[a-z\s\u00E0-\u00FC]{3,25}$/i,
									'cif' : /^[a-z\s\u00E0-\u00FC]{3,25}$/i
						VALID_STYLE : { color: 'purple', text: 'Valid !' }
  1. That's it, just instance the class Validation passing it the custom options you just built:
	myValidation = new Validation(myNewOptions);


  • Object.keys(FIELDS) which compatibility is limited to: Internet Explorer => 9 or greater Chrome => 5 or greater Opera => 12 or greater Safari => 5 or greater Firefox => 4.0(2.0) or greater
  • ES6 new Javascript Class syntax, which may be limited in someway for old browsers.
  • ES6 new conditional (ternary) operator syntax

You can recode this three to old syntax if you want.


  • You can modify the options:
	MyOptions = { 
			VALID_STYLE: { color: 'blue', text: 'This is a valid test'} 
  • Then, you can instance the class with the new options:
	var myValidation = new Validation(MyOptions);

All parameters are optional See Options reference below or the defaults parameters.

For example

  • This is ok:
	myNewoptions = {

  FIELDS : {
			'user' : /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{4,11}$/i,
  			'passwd' : /^\S{7,12}$/,
  			'name' : /^[a-z\s\u00E0-\u00FC]{3,25}$/i,
  			'address' : /.*/,
  			'country' : /^[a-z]*$/i,
  			'zipcode' : /^[\d]*$/i,
  			'email' : /^[-a-zA-Z0-9\_\S.]*[@].*[.].*$/i,
  			'sex' : /^[a-z]*$/i,
  			'language' : /^[a-z\s]*$/i,
  			'about': /.*/,
			'myuser' : /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{4,11}$/i,
 			'nickname': /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{4,11}$/i
	myValidation = new Validation(myNewOptions);
  • This is great too (if you want only two new fields):
	myNewOptions = {

	 FIELDS : {
			'myuser' : /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{4,11}$/i,
			'nickname': /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{4,11}$/i
	myValidation = new Validation(myNewOptions);

Options Reference

  • VALID_STYLE : { color: '<color>', text: '<text>' } Sets the style when the regular expression matches with its field value.
  • INVALID_STYLE: { color: '<color>', text: '<text>'} Sets the style when the regular expression doesn't match with its field value.
  • FIELDS : { <field-name with no suffix> : <regular-expression-without-quotes> } Sets the fields with its regular expressions, field-name must match with the field "id" html attrib (but plainly the name, with no suffix '-input'!).

Remember: you need the label validation –which will show the results– to have the same id with the suffix "-validation". Also, don't forget the "name" attrib in the html! See How to above

  • VALID_ON_EVENT : <event without the 'on'> You can use it in order to set the event wich will raise the validation, by default it's focusout. So it will check if the regular expression matches when the element loses the focus. Similarly, you could set it to 'keyup' in order to check if the regular expression matches every time you release a key inside the element.

Default Options:

		options = {
				  VALID_STYLE : { color:'green', text:' ¡Válido!' },
				  INVALID_STYLE : { color:'red', text:' ¡Inválido!' },
				  FIELDS : { 'user' : /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{4,11}$/i,
				  			'passwd' : /^\S{7,12}$/,
				  			'name' : /^[a-z\s\u00E0-\u00FC]{3,25}$/i,
				  			'address' : /.*/,
				  			'country' : /^[a-z]*$/i,
				  			'zipcode' : /^[\d]*$/i,
				  			'email' : /^[-a-zA-Z0-9\_\S.]*[@].*[.].*$/i,
				  			'sex' : /^[a-z]*$/i,
				  			'language' : /^[a-z\s]*$/i,
				  			'about': /.*/ },
				  VALID_ON_EVENT : "focusout"