
Pokémon Quest save reader and writer

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



This program will allow you to read and write Pokémon Quest save files.

Pokémon Quest's title ID is 01005D100807A000, and the save file is a single 512 KB file named user.


Usage: pqsave mode [option arg]... input output [script1 (In script mode only)] [script2]...
    d Decrypt save
    e Encrypt save
    x Export save to JSON
    i Import save from JSON
    s Script - Run scripts on an encrypted save
    -k,--key Set key, default is the key of switch version. 
	         When you use '--keyfile', use the key in file first
    --keyfile From file import key

Android version

The keys of Android version are stored in /data/data/jp.pokemon.pokemonquest/shared_prefs/pqdata.xml, but it is encrypted. This program cannot decrypt it now.

You can dump your key with GameGuardian.

How to use GameGuardian find key

Maybe the IOS version is similar.

User Scripts

User-provided C# scripts can be run to modify the save data.

Two examples have been provided:

Running on Linux or macOS

.NET Core can run PqSave on Linux or macOS. Make sure .NET Core is installed, open a terminal in the directory containing PqSave and run the program with dotnet PqSave.dll


Using Visual Studio 2017

  1. Open PqSave.sln in Visual Studio
  2. Run Build Solution

If you do not have .NET Core 2.0 or higher installed, Visual Studio will give an error saying that the netcoreapp2.0 build failed. The .NET Framework 4.6 build should still succeed if this happens.

If you want to change the version of .NET Core or .NET Framework, right click on the project,choose dit (project name).csproj, edit the <TargetFrameworks>.

Using the .NET Core SDK

  1. Install the .NET Core SDK
  2. Open a command prompt in the directory containing PqSave.sln
  3. Run dotnet build -f netcoreapp2.0

If you have the .NET Framework 4.6 Targeting Pack installed the .NET Core SDK will also build the program for .NET Framework 4.6.

PqSave 宝可梦探险寻宝存档工具



在switch上面,宝可梦探险寻宝的title ID 是 01005D100807A000,它的存档是一个大小为512KB的user文件


用法: pqsave 模式 [选项 参数]... 输入文件 输出文件 [脚本1 (只在脚本模式下有效)] [脚本2]...
    d 解密存档
    e 加密存档
    x 将存档导出到JSON
    i 从JSOn导入存档
    s 在加密的存档上面允许脚本
	-k,--key 设置密钥,默认是switch版本的密钥。
	--keyfile 从文件导入密钥


安卓版本的密钥存在/data/data/jp.pokemon.pokemonquest/shared_prefs/pqdata.xml文件中,并且进行了加密 目前这个程序还不提供密钥的解密提取

你可以用GameGuardian来提取你的密钥 使用教程






在Linux和macOS上可以通过.NET Core来运行PqSave. 首先确保安装了.NET Core,打开终端,切换到PqSave所在的目录,使用dotnet PqSave.dll来运行程序


通过 Visual Studio 2017

  1. 在Visual Studio中打开 PqSave.sln
  2. 运行 生成(U)

如果你没有安装.NET Core 2.0或者更高版本,VS会报错,提示找不到netcoreapp2.0环境。.NET Framework 4.6下生成类似。

如果你想更改.NET Core 或者 .NET Framework的版本,右键项目,选择编辑 (项目名).csproj,更改<TargetFrameworks>标签内的内容。

使用 .NET Core SDK

  1. 安装 .NET Core SDK
  2. 打开命令行,切换到PqSave.sln所在目录
  3. 运行 dotnet build -f netcoreapp2.0(2.1版本的就把2.0改成2.1)

使用.NET Framework 4.6 并且安装 .NET Core SDK 同样可以在 .NET Framework 4.6 生成目标文件.