Shell C Interface


  • Unix
  • Gcc


gcc -o shellfinal shellfinal.c


  • exit
  • cd
  • pwd
  • env
  • export
  • set
  • unset
  • history
  • background process (&)


To start simple shell, run the command below:

  1. For internal command pwd, cd, set, unset, export
$ pwd
$ cd 
$ export
$ export MYVAR="abcd"
$ set MYVAR="abcd"
$ unset MYVAR
$ sleep 30 &
$ cat log.txt &
  1. For external command
$ ls
$ ls -l
$ ps
$ cat
  1. Execute history
$ !!
  1. Single redirection
$ ls -l > output
$ grep README < output
  1. Single pipe
$ cat output | grep README
$ cat > file.txt
$ cat file.txt | sort

How to implement

  1. Creating the child process and executing the command in the child

    • pid_t fork(void);
      • Call once, return twice
      • Concurrent excution
      • Duplicate but separate address spaces
      • Shared files
    • pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *startup, int options); -> background process
    • pid_t wait(int *startus); Calling wait(&status) is equivalent to calling waitpid(-1, &status, 0).

    Problem internal command pwd, cd

    • Implement internal command: pwd, cd, exit, export, set, unset
  2. Providing a history feature

    • Save command in log.txt
    • !! excute the last command in log.txt
  3. Adding support of input and output redirection

    • int creat(char *filename, mode_t mode);
    • int open (const char* Path, int flags [, int mode ]);
    • int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
  4. Allowing the parent and child processes to communicate via a pipe

    • int pipe(int fds[2]);
      • fds[0] for read
      • fds[1] for write
    • Backup file description STDIN and STDOUT
    • Open pipe and exec


  • 1712689 Huỳnh Ngọc Quân
  • 1712759 Phạm Minh Thắng
  • 1712698 Võ Văn Quân

Ho Chi Minh University of Science