
R&D environment to study Cryptography so we can roll our own eventually

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


If nobody rolls their own crypto who rolls it then?

Implementations of Cryptographic Primitives and Protocols.

IMPORTANT: The code is for educational purposes only as security was sacrificed for readability.

Or put another way: Don't use this in production.


  1. git clone git@github.com:pmuens/cryptolab.git
  2. asdf install
  3. cargo build
  4. cargo test

Useful Commands

asdf install

cargo init
cargo new <name> [--lib]

cargo build [--bin <binary>]
cargo clean
cargo test
cargo bench

cargo update
cargo add <name>
cargo search <name>

cargo run [--bin <binary>] [-- arg]

cargo doc [--open]
cargo fix
cargo fmt
cargo clippy
cargo check

cargo install <name>
cargo uninstall <name>

Useful Resources