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Application based on Serverless framework utilizing AWS Lamda, API Gateway and Cognito services.


The installation process creates S3 bucket, Cognito User Pool, RDS instance, Cloudfront distribution, Lambda functions and API Gateway. All resources are prefixed with SERVICE_NAME variable. Please ensure that the prefix is unique, if resources with same identifiers already exist, the installation will fail.

  1. Install Serverless 1.0: npm install -g serverless
  2. Install AWS CLI (e.g. pip install awscli on Mac)
  3. Download git repository: git clone git@github.com:keboola/developer-portal.git
  4. Cd into directory: cd developer-portal
  5. Install npm dependencies: npm install and dev dependencies npm install --only=dev
  6. Setup Slack channel for notifications about users and apps approval requirements and create incoming webhook
  7. Verify email sender. Run node scripts/setup.js register-email <region> <email> and confirm link from the email you get
  • The script will put created identifiers to file env.yml
  • Required env variables:
    • SERVICE_NAME - Name of the Serverless service. Will be used as prefix for created AWS services, should be only alphanumeric with optional dashes
    • REGION - AWS region where the services should be created
    • RDS_PASSWORD - Desired password for created database
    • RDS_INSTANCE_CLASS - Desired instance class of created RDS, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html
    • SES_EMAIL_FROM - Email address used as sender for emails
    • STAGE - Stage of the service (dev, test, prod)
    • LOG_HOST - Papertrail endpoint hostname
    • LOG_PORT - Papertrail endpoint port
    • SLACK_HOOK_URL - Slack webhook url for notifications
  1. Save generated env.yml to a safe place

Please note that your SES service must be out of a sandbox or you have to verify each email or domain before you use it for account signup.

Import from KBC Components API

Optionally you can import data from KBC:

  1. download https://connection.keboola.com/storage to a file
  2. run node scripts/import.js data <path-to-the-file.json> to load data to db
  3. run node scripts/import.js icons <path-to-the-file.json> to get app icons and upload to s3
  4. run node scripts/import.js vendors <path-to-the-file.sql> to fill default vendors (sql should contain inserts to vendors table)

You can set created user as admin using command: node scripts/setup-admin.js <email> enable

Run functional tests

  1. Look to env.yml for API_ENDPOINT and create user. Confirm email and enable user in Cognito console
  2. Run env FUNC_USER_EMAIL=<userEmail> FUNC_USER_PASSWORD=<userPass> FUNC_VENDOR=<vendorId> mocha --timeout 0 test/functional

Stack update

  1. Install according to steps 1-5 in the Installation section
  2. Get the env.yml file saved from installation and put it to the directory
  3. Run sls deploy


  1. Install according to steps 1-5 in the Installation section
  2. Get the env.yml file saved from installation and put it to the directory
  3. Run make remove to remove all resources from AWS