
My personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



Note: Make sure that you follow the "Fresh macOS Install" guide when setting-up a new system.

  1. Install the latest macOS updates
  2. Install the Xcode Command Line Tools via xcode-select --install
  3. Run git clone https://github.com/pmuens/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles
  4. Log in to iCloud (if you haven't already during the macOS installation)
  5. Disable Mac storage optimization in system settings
  6. Wait until iCloud Drive is fully synced
  7. Run ./install
  8. Run cp config.zsh.example config.zsh and update the file
  9. Run ./macos/setup.zsh
  10. Restart Mac
  11. Run mackup restore
  12. Update Dock
  13. Perform manual steps
  14. Generate a new SSH key via ./scripts/ssh.zsh email@example.com (replace E-Mail address)
  15. Run pubkey and add public key to (online) services
  16. Run git remote set-url origin git@github.com:pmuens/dotfiles.git


  1. Finder
  2. Launchpad
  3. App Store
  4. Safari
  5. Mail
  6. Preview
  7. Calendar
  8. Bitwarden
  9. System Preferences
  10. Alacritty
  11. Things
  12. Visual Studio Code
  13. Firefox
  14. Notes

Useful Commands

# Update / Synchronize system

# Backup / Restore settings

# Update Brewfile

# Misc Commands

# Dotbot

# Homebrew
brew search [--cask] <name>
brew install [--cask] <name>
brew update
brew upgrade [--cask] [<name>]
brew uninstall [--cask] <name>
brew reinstall [--cask] <name>
brew info [--cask] <name>
brew doctor

# Mas
mas search <name>
mas install <identifier>
sudo mas uninstall <identifier>
mas upgrade
mas list
mas signin
mas signout

# Mackup
mackup backup
mackup restore [--dry-run] [--verbose]
mackup uninstall
mackup list

# asdf
asdf install
asdf current
asdf plugin update --all
asdf list all <name>
asdf local <name> <version>

# Defaults
defaults read > defaults
defaults domains | tr " " "\n"
defaults read <domain>
defaults find <query>

Useful Links



Other dotfiles

The following is a list with dotfiles repositories I drew inspiration from.