
A CLI tool that allows you to hide your BIP-39 mnemonic in an image

Primary LanguageGo


A CLI tool that allows you to hide your BIP-39 mnemonic in an image.

I worked on this project while attending the ETHBerlin 2024 hackathon. Given that this is a hack, you shouldn't use the tool to hide your real mnemonic.

How it works

An image is a 2-dimensional array of pixels. Every pixel has three color values (Red, Green and Blue). Each color is represented as 1 byte (8 bit), which means that it can have a value ranging from 0 to 255. "Mixing" the values of those three bytes together (one for Red, one for Green and one for Blue) results in the desired color for the pixel.

A minor change to the color's byte value results in a similar color. It's therefore possible to hide binary data in an image by setting the least significant bit of every color byte to the bits of the binary data to be hidden.

Given that a pixel has 3 color values, we can hide 3 bits of information per pixel.

This technique is called Steganography. It's important to note that the information isn't encrypted or otherwise protected. It's "hidden in plain sight" within the image.

In an upcoming version of this tool I plan to add support for a combination of encrypting the mnemonic and using Shamir's Secret Sharing to hide and share the encryption key alongside the encrypted mnemonic via multiple images. This way, one would need $t$ out of $n$ images to reconstruct the encryption key and therefore recover the mnemonic.


  1. git clone <url>
  2. cd <name>
  3. cat mnemonic.txt
  4. go run ./cmd/imgn hide -image-path ./photo.png -mnemonic "$(cat mnemonic.txt)"
  5. go run ./cmd/imgn reveal -image-path ./photo.modified.png

Useful Commands

go run <package-path>

go build [<package-path>]

go test [<package-path>][/...] [-v] [-parellel <number>]
go test -bench=. [<package-path>] [-count <number>] [-benchmem] [-benchtime 2s] [-memprofile <name>]
go test -cover [<package-path>]
go test -race [<package-path>] [-count <number>]
go test -shuffle on [<package-path>]
go test -cover
go test -coverprofile <name> [<package-path>]
go test -run FuncName/RunName

go tool cover -html <name>
go tool cover -func <name>

go tool pprof -list <name> <profile-name>

go fmt [<package-path>]

go vet [<package-path>]

go clean [<package-path>]

go help <command-name>

go mod init [<module-path>]
go mod tidy
go mod vendor
go mod download

go work init [<module-path-1> [<module-path-2>] [...]]
go work use [<module-path-1> [<module-path-2>] [...]]
go work sync

# Adjust dependencies in `go.mod`.
go get <package-path>[@<version>]

# Build and install commands.
go install <package-path>[@<version>]

go list -m [all]

Useful Resources