Learn Go with Tests

Code written while following quii/learn-go-with-tests.


  1. git clone <url>
  2. go test <package-path>

Useful Commands

go run <package-path>

go build [<package-path>]

go test [<package-path>] [-v]
go test -bench=. [<package-path>] [-count <number>]
go test -cover [<package-path>]
go test -race [<package-path>]
go test -run FuncName/RunName

go fmt [<package-path>]

go vet [<package-path>]

go clean [<package-path>]

go help <command-name>

go mod init [<module-path>]
go mod tidy
go mod vendor
go mod download

# Adjust dependencies in `go.mod`.
go get <package-path>[@<version>]

# Build and install commands.
go install <package-path>[@<version>]

go list -m [all]

Useful Resources