
Serverless service to showcase DynamoDB stream support

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless DynamoDB streams

Serverless service to showcase DynamoDB stream support.


Make sure that you use Serverless v1.

  1. Run serverless install --url https://github.com/pmuens/serverless-dynamodb-streams to install the service in your current working directory
  2. Next up cd into the service with cd serverless-dynamodb-streams
  3. Run npm install
  4. Create a new DynamoDB table called users with a primary partition key called id and enable stream support for this table
  5. Update the stream ARN property in the serverless.yml file with the stream ARN of your users table
  6. Deploy with serverless deploy

How to use

  1. Run serverless invoke --function updateProfile --path event.json to simulate a profile update process
  2. Run serverless logs --function logger to see the which data has changed in the users table

AWS services used

  • Lambda
  • DynamoDB