
Serverless service which shows how one can chain Lambdas through SNS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless Lambda chaining

Serverless service which shows how one can chain Lambdas through SNS. The configuration which triggers the chain mechanims is defined on serverless.yml.


Make sure that you use Serverless v1.

  1. Run serverless install --url https://github.com/pmuens/serverless-lambda-chaining to install the service in your current working directory
  2. Next up cd into the service with cd serverless-lambda-chaining
  3. Run npm install
  4. Replace the accountId in the handler.js file with your AWS account id
  5. Deploy with serverless deploy

How to use

  1. Run serverless invoke --function firstLambda to trigger the chaining process (this will publish a message to the SNS topic called dispatcher the secondLambda will listen to)
  2. Run serverless logs --function secondLambda to see that the message which was send to the dispatcher topic successfully triggered the secondLambda function

AWS services used

  • Lambda
  • SNS

