Ansible is a configuration management tool which works both on push and pull mechanisms
Inventory is nothing but the list of machine ip or dns names that you want ansible to be managed.
Ansible by default installs 2.9 as by default on AMI's we will get python2. Always go with latest version, which can be installed from tools/ansible/
Ansible has lot of pre-defined variables and we need to use them to supply userName and password it has to use to authenticate to the nodes.
### ansible_user : Predefined variable for userName
### ansible_password : Predefined variable for password
Variables should be passed to ansible by using the flag -e
Ex: ansible -i INVENTORY all -e ansible_user=userName -e ansible_password=password
$ ansible -i inv all -e ansible_user=centos -e ansible_password=xyz123 -m shell -a uptime
Playbooks are written using a language called YAML.
YAML is just markup languaga ; Markup language is nothing a presentation language
YAML is indendation specific.
* Playbook : A Playbook is a list of plays ( and that's why it always starts with - )
* Play : A Play is a list of tasks.
* Task : A Task is nothing but an action that we wish to perform