
Notes and resources for learning shell scripting

Primary LanguageShell


Notes and resources for learning shell scripting

Date: 3/5/2024

    1. Bash Scripting for automation and its very good at performance because of Bash being native to linux and it don't need any additional software.

    2. This repo also serves as manual to automate the Infrastructure Provisioning and Configuration Management.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
2. SheBang notation and comments
3. Printing
4. Variables
    4.1. Local Variables
    4.2. Environment Variables
    4.3. Command Substitution
5. Inputs
    5.1. Special Variables
    5.2. Prompts
6. Functions
7. Redirectors, Quotes and Exit Status
8. Conditions
9. Loops
10. Sed Commands
11. Command

In Bash scripting, even if the instruction x fails, it goes with next commands in sequence.

If you want to override this, you can use "set -e" in the beginning of the script.

How to keep our code DRY?

1. We can define functions and call them whenever needed
2. we define function in common.sh and call all the function from common file
    2a. for Nodejc Components, create a function and declare all action in it and call it whenever you need     nodejs  
    2b. for Python Components, create a function and declare all action in it and call it whenever you need     python
    2c. for Java Components, create a function and declare all action in it and call it whenever you need     java 
    2d. for Angular Components, create a function and declare all action in it and call it whenever you need    angular