Learning Resources

Preparing for Technical Interviews

  1. Hacker Rank - Technical problems practice
  2. 10 Interview Questions every JS Developer should know - Good overview of a typical frontend position interview


  1. Becoming a Web Developer from Scratch
  • Great for insight for people wanting to start a career in frontend development without a computer science degree
  1. Free Online Programming and Computer Science Courses
  • A list of free courses focused on topics like programming, computer science, data science, and artificial intelligence.

Online Courses

  1. Egghead
  2. PluralSight
  3. CodeSchool
  4. Udacity
  5. Codecademy
  6. Treehouse
  7. Tutsplus
  8. Lynda
  9. EdX
  10. Coursera


  1. JavaScript Air - A podcast all about JavaScript. Note: Production of episodes have stopped but it's a really good resource to listen to the interviews that have taken place
  2. JavaScript Jabber - A podcast where the discussions are based on JavaScript
  3. Angular Air - A podcast all about Angular
  4. Adventures in Angular - Another podcast that is all about Angular
  5. Software Engineering Daily - Interviews on software
  6. FrontEnd Happy Hour - Discussions with engineers across different companies.
  7. JS Party - Discussions on anything web.
  8. LearnPub Podcast - A series of interviews on the authors of Learnpub books.
  9. Soft Skills Engineering - Discussion on non-technical subjects that will help you become a better developer.
  10. Software Engineering Radio - Discussions on various topics in the IT industry.
  11. The Changelog - A podcast that covers people and technology.


  1. ng-book - A book based on Angular 1
  2. ng-book 2 - A book based on Angular 2

Curated Resources

  1. Reddit: 540 Free Online programming/CS courses - (MOOCs) with feedback(i.e. exams/homeworks/assignments)
  2. Dev Free Books - A collection of free books for developers
  3. Front end developer handbook - A guide and outline for front end developers.

Learning Tools

  1. JSFiddle Online Javascript Sandbox - An online sandbox for small one-off javascript projects


  1. ng-newsletter - One of the best Angular newsletters out there.
  2. JavaScript Weekly - A weekly newsletter that focuses on JavaScript.
  3. Changelong Weekly - A weekly newsletter that covers technology and open source projects.
  4. FrontEndFocus - A weekly newsletter that focuses on anything front end development.
  5. CSS Weekly - A weekly newsletter that focuses on CSS.


  1. SoloLearn