#AngularJS Modular Demo Demonstrates Angular modularity, testing, Gulp task automation, and more.

Opinionated AngularJS style guide for teams by @john_papa

More details about the styles and patterns used in this app can be found in my AngularJS Style Guide and my AngularJS Patterns: Clean Code(coming soon) course at Pluralsight and working in teams.


/build 	(created on the fly)


  • Install Node
    • on OSX install home brew and type brew install node
    • on Windows install chocolatey and type choco install nodejs
  • On OSX you can alleviate the need to run as sudo by following these instructions. I highly recommend this step on OSX
  • Open terminal
  • Type npm install -g node-inspector bower gulp

Installing Node.js and Bower Packages

  • Open terminal
  • Type npm install

Installing Bower Packages

npm install will install these too, but you can do it manually.

  • Open terminal
  • Type bower install


Runs locally, no database required.

  • Type gulp serve-dev