a Python implementation of proper image subtraction (Zackay, Ofek & Gal-Yam 2016, ApJ, 830, 27)
- amalyaliLondon, UK
- archord
- Astro-LeeKunming, China
- astrozxwu
- BrunoSanchezCPPM - CNRS
- bryanmillerGemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab
- chaorun
- chinmaymahajan9998
- Chisen-LupusSteward Observatory
- dpieterseRadboud University
- dugzzuli
- ebellm
- GeronimoChen
- greggrivasGreece
- hylgood
- kira-yasminUniversity of Cape Town
- kirxkirx
- ly510244856
- naamach
- nvieira-mcgillMcGill Space Institute
- qian-yangCfA
- rainbowseazy
- Rodot-@tardis-sn
- sPaMFouRStockholm University
- spyphyzNHS
- thomasvrussellCarnegie Mellon University
- TimeDevBlocker@XingmingObservatory
- Tohuvavohu
- typpoPalm Springs, CA
- variaatioFinland
- varun-magesh
- veemcbCape Town
- wa1kmoon
- wangyuynao
- willemroodWognum
- Young-LoLancaster University