
Zombie Game Rogue Like

Primary LanguageGroovy


Zombie Groovy Rogue Like

This is my first roguelike, and was being done for the 7DRL Challenge 2013. You will start in a small city and have to exterminate the zombie hordes.

My initial plans include:

  • A randomly generated city
  • Weapons and items that can be collected and used
  • Zombies that wander around the town, and can hear noise over a distance
  • The world starts off with civilians in it, which quickly get eaten.

My tools:


You can get the app at end of the 7drl here:


You will need to have a java 7 jre installed and run

java -jar zomgRL-1.0.jar

(or double click on it in Windows)


Movement: numpad, vi keys, or arrow keys(if you don't like diagonal movement)

Melee: Bump into enemies

g: Pick up

f: fire gun (you will need to find one first)

d: drop the last item you picked up

1-8: use/equip item in that slot (use ammo to add them to your stockpile)

shift: move to sprint or get an additional attack.  It consumes stamina.

Compile + Run

To compile from source you will need Java 7 and to install groovy and gradle. I recommend using http://gvmtool.net/ for that. Once you are set up, it will be something like:

git clone git://github.com/stewsters/zomgRL.git

git submodule init
git submodule update

cd zomgRL

gradle run

Jar for Distribution

It is unlikely anyone will play this if they have to install all sorts of dependencies. So to distribute, we jar it all up into a nice package.

gradle distZip

Will create a file at core/build/libs/core-${version}.jar