To facilitate learning, a novice must have an library for study. Further, the novice must take notes and form understandings of the context of a situation.
This tool is a web application to allow studious novices to form connections in a history of ideas and people.
- no UI.
Currently implemented routes:
- PUT /api/v1/person/:name/:date-sampled-at/:affiliation w/ body for notes.
- GET /api/v1/person/:name -> Scala object toString
- GET /api/v1/person/:name -> JSON back GET /api/v1/person/:id -> JSON back
PUT /api/v1/group/:name/:affiliation w/ body for notes. GET /api/v1/group/:name -> JSON back GET /api/v1/group/:id -> JSON back
PUT /api/v1/meme/:name/:affiliation w/ body for notes. GET /api/v1/meme/:name -> JSON back GET /api/v1/meme/:id -> JSON back
PUT /api/v1/connection/:relationship/:srcid/:dstid w/ body for notes GET /api/v1/connection/relatedto/:id
- UI
- Connection class for relationship describing: this should be a neo4j edge in the graph.
- Deployment system to run locally in an on-desktop release fashion and store the neo4j DB locally.
- Add authN system.
- Deployment system to run on a cloud server