
finds tokens of significance, in significant files.

Primary LanguageRust


indexes files whose names are given on stdin and places them into a Neo4J database. Generally assumes these files are text, largely for reasons of simplicity and longjevity.

Putative headline might be: the signifier is a highly multithreaded theoretically performant tool to index your textfiles for future use.

Typical usage.

find "~/textfiles" | /path/to/signifier

A query might be:

MATCH p=(f)-[r:CONTAINS]->(w {name: 'code'}) return f.name;

Tools for looking up information have not been created.

The database in Neo4J will need constraints.


  • The filename nodes need to have path, hash, and name

  • The tool should take command line options to nice itself down for use in cron

  • Plausibly emitting a CSV and then using a Neo4J bulk-loading tool would be significantly faster.

  • Use the Bolt API somehow, not the REST API.

copyright 2015-2017 AGPL3, Paul Nathan