indexes files whose names are given on stdin and places them into a Neo4J database. Generally assumes these files are text, largely for reasons of simplicity and longjevity.
Putative headline might be: the signifier is a highly multithreaded theoretically performant tool to index your textfiles for future use.
Typical usage.
find "~/textfiles" | /path/to/signifier
A query might be:
MATCH p=(f)-[r:CONTAINS]->(w {name: 'code'}) return;
Tools for looking up information have not been created.
The database in Neo4J will need constraints.
The filename nodes need to have path, hash, and name
The tool should take command line options to nice itself down for use in cron
Plausibly emitting a CSV and then using a Neo4J bulk-loading tool would be significantly faster.
Use the Bolt API somehow, not the REST API.
copyright 2015-2017 AGPL3, Paul Nathan