
Download file from URL for iOS 7.X

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Allows you to download files from url and store them in the device disk. Available only for iOS 7.0+. You can pause, resume or cancel a download, when and where you want. It works also in background task, so you can download file when the application is in background or close by the user. RRDownloadFile uses NSURLSession for make the download.


Simple Download:
let url = NSURL(string: "https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternetWeb/Conceptual/NetworkingOverview/NetworkingOverview.pdf")
RRDownloadFile.download("network.pdf", downloadSource: url!,
progressBlockCompletion: nil) { (error, fileDestination) -> () in
  if error == nil {
    println("file downloaded :\(fileDestination)")

Trace the download progress

RRDownloadFile.download("network.pdf", downloadSource: url!, progressBlockCompletion: { (bytesWritten, bytesExpectedToWrite) -> () in
  println("progress :\(bytesWritten) / \(bytesExpectedToWrite)")
}) { (error, fileDestination) -> () in
  if error == nil {
    println("file downloaded :\(fileDestination)")

Pause, resume, and cancel a download

let downloadTask = RRDownloadFile.download("network.pdf", downloadSource: url!, progressBlockCompletion: nil) { (error, fileDestination) -> () in
  if error == nil {
    println("file downloaded :\(fileDestination)")
RRDownloadFile.pauseDownload(downloadTask: downloadTask)
RRDownloadFile.resumeDownload(downloadTask: downloadTask)
RRDownloadFile.cancelDownload(downloadTask: downloadTask)

You can change the destination of a download by passing the url in parameter. If the path doesn't exsit it will be created.

let customDestinationPath = NSURL(string: "Download/pdf")

RRDownloadFile.download("network.pdf", downloadSource: url!, pathDestination: customDestinationPath!, progressBlockCompletion: nil) { (error, fileDestination) -> () in
  //The file will be saved in DocumentDirectory/Download/pdf/network.pdf