
httplib2 extension that is more paranoid about input

Primary LanguagePython


TinfoilHat is a httplib2_ extension that is more paranoid about input. It won't
allow downloading data from private IP ranges.

This library was inspired by, but is not yet as paranoid as, Perl's `LWPx::ParanoidAgent`_.

Example usage

TinfoilHat is a drop-in replacement for httplib2:

>>> import tinfoilhat
>>> client = tinfoilhat.Http()
>>> client.request('')
tinfoilhat.BlockedError: Host name is blocked

You can also specify an additional blacklist as a list of regular expressions:

>>> import tinfoilhat
>>> client = tinfoilhat.Http(blacklist=['83\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+'])
>>> client.request('')
tinfoilhat.BlockedError: Host name is blocked

Author & License

This library was created by `Patrice Neff`_ for initial use at Memonic_. It's
licensed under the `BSD License`_.

.. _httplib2: https://code.google.com/p/httplib2/
.. _LWPX::ParanoidAgent: http://search.cpan.org/dist/LWPx-ParanoidAgent/lib/LWPx/ParanoidAgent.pm
.. _Patrice Neff: http://patrice.ch/
.. _Memonic: http://www.memonic.com/
.. _BSD License: http://www.linfo.org/bsdlicense.html