
⚡️ Personal Github pages lite. Share prototypes with teammates. Host static sites. Share documents.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Electro - A dynamic git repo static server

GitHub release Go Report Card

Personal Github pages lite. Share prototypes with teammates. Host static sites. Share documents.


  • Automatic HTTPs through LetsEncrypt
  • No restarts, add a new site and access it immediately.
  • Serve from any git repo/branch/subdirectory
  • Git repositories auto update to serve newest changes on a branch
  • Simple user interface to add and remove sites.
  • Serve each site on a multiple hostnames
  • Add http basic auth to any of the sites to protect them from public access
  • Protect public sites with deletion passwords.
  • Single binary, zero external dependencies (including git)
  • Run as pid 1 or docker entrypoint, includes reaper.


Electro Dashboard Screenshot

Getting started



curl -SsL https://github.com/pnegahdar/electro/releases/download/0.1.0/darwin_amd64 > /usr/local/bin/electro && \
        chmod +x /usr/local/bin/electro


curl -SsL https://github.com/pnegahdar/electro/releases/download/0.1.0/linux_amd64 > /usr/local/bin/electro && \
        chmod +x /usr/local/bin/electro


ADD https://github.com/pnegahdar/electro/releases/download/${ELECTRO_VERSION}/linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/electro
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/electro


export WILDCARD_DOMAIN="site.domain.com"
docker run -d --restart=always \
        -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
        -v /var/data/electro:/var/data/electro \
        pnegahdar/electro \
        electro start --listen-http :80 --listen-https :443 --data-dir /var/data/electro --wildcard ${WILDCARD_DOMAIN}


Create a wildcard domain and point it to the server.

electro start --wildcard site.domain.com --listen-http :80 --listen-https :443
electro start --help
Start the server.

  electro start [flags]

  -w, --wildcard string         The wildcard domain to serve e.g electro.site.com
  -l, --listen-http string      The address to listen for http connections. e.g., :5000, etc. (default ":4200")
  -s, --listen-https string     The address to listen for https servers. https server not started when ommited.
  -p, --admin-password string   The password for the admin dashboard and api. Must provide username as well.
  -u, --admin-username string   The username for the admin dashboard and api. Must provide password as well.
  -d, --data-dir string         The directory to store the state and certificates. (default "~/.electro")


Clone the repo. This project uses glide for dependency management. These commands assume glide is installed, go paths are set, go bin is in your path and you have yarn and node.

# install deps
glide install

# build
make build

# distrubtable build: osx and linux with static assets embedded in binary.
make distribute

# Run the go application
make build && electro-dev start --wildcard test.com

# Run the static server
cd fe/ && yarn install && yarn start

# fmt changes
make fmt