Status: The library is not released on yet. It is incomplete, lacks documentation and contains bugs. Breaking changes are expected. Design contributions are very welcome!
gryf = { git = "" }
use gryf::{algo::ShortestPaths, graph::Graph};
fn main() {
// Default storage is adjacency list, but that can be simply changed by
// using `Graph::new_undirected_in`.
let mut graph = Graph::new_undirected();
let prague = graph.add_vertex("Prague");
let bratislava = graph.add_vertex("Bratislava");
let vienna = graph.add_vertex("Vienna");
let munich = graph.add_vertex("Munich");
let nuremberg = graph.add_vertex("Nuremberg");
let florence = graph.add_vertex("Florence");
let rome = graph.add_vertex("Rome");
(prague, bratislava, 328u32),
(prague, nuremberg, 293),
(bratislava, vienna, 79),
(nuremberg, munich, 170),
(vienna, munich, 402),
(munich, florence, 646),
(florence, rome, 278),
// As the edge weights are unsigned and there is a specific goal, Dijktra's
// algorithm is applied. For signed edges, Bellman-Ford would be used.
let shortest_paths = ShortestPaths::on(&graph).goal(prague).run(rome).unwrap();
let distance = shortest_paths[prague];
let path = shortest_paths
.map(|v| graph[v])
.join(" - ");
println!("{distance} km from Prague through {path}");
// 1387 km from Prague through Nuremberg - Munich - Florence - Rome
The main goal of gryf is to be
- convenient -- "make the common case straightforward and natural1",
- versatile -- "offer simplicity as well as flexibility and strive for a good balance if in conflict",
- correct -- "use extensive fuzzing and property-based testing to increase confidence about correctness", and
- performant -- "write the code with performance and memory efficiency in mind".
The algorithms are organized into the problems they solve. For specifying the options of an algorithm the builder pattern is utilized. Graphs can use different storage under the hood.
1Failing in this should be considered a bug and reported.
For more details, see the design doc.
For users without much experience or knowledge in graph theory and algorithms,
it may not be obvious which algorithm should (or even can) be used to solve the
given problem at hand. Instead, gryf organizes the algorithms into the problem
they solve (e.g., ShortestPaths
) instead of exposing the algorithms directly
, bellman_ford
This brings a number of benefits, among which the most important are:
- It is convenient for the user, especially if they are a beginner. It allows them not to care about details if they don't want to care.
- Having a specific type instead of a generic one such as
gives the opportunity to provide additional functionality (like path reconstruction for shortest paths or "is perfect?" query on matching). - Not specifying the algorithm enables the use of automatic algorithm selection, which makes the decision based on the properties of the input graph.
let shortest_paths = ShortestPaths::on(&graph).run(rome).unwrap();
Specifying arguments for algorithms is done using the builder pattern. This
avoids the need of passing dummy values (like None
) to parameters that are not
useful for the use case. On the other hand, it allows tweaking the algorithm
with many optional arguments. Moreover, new optional parameters can be added in
a backward-compatible way. A lot of care is taken to make the error feedback
from the compiler helpful and obvious.
let shortest_paths = ShortestPaths::on(&graph)
.edge_weight_fn(|e| e.distance)
In gryf, high-level semantics provided by user-facing types are strictly separated from the underlying storage/representation. The graph data can be stored in a common representation (e.g., adjacency list or adjacency matrix), but it can as well be stored in or represented by a custom, problem-tailored implementation, as long as it implements provided interfaces.
On top of a storage, there is an encapsulation with clear semantics. The most general is a generic graph, but restricted forms include simple graph (without parallel edges), path, bipartite graph and so on. Among the advantages of restrictive encapsulations are:
- The type of graph clearly communicates the intention and structure.
- The API is limited such that it is impossible to violate the rules of the user-desired class of graph.
- The guaranteed properties of a restricted graph can be utilized in choosing a more efficient algorithm.
use gryf::storage::AdjMatrix;
let mut graph = Graph::new_undirected_in(AdjMatrix::default());
See the differences between them and gryf in this comparison repository.
Dual-licensed under MIT and UNLICENSE. Feel free to use it, contribute or spread the word.