
Template code for JEB back-end plugin written in Java

Primary LanguageJava

JEB Back-End Plugin Template

Skeleton code to develop and test a JEB back-end plugin.


  • A JEB license that supports back-end plugins (e.g. JEB Pro or JEB Android) version 3.1.1 or above.
  • Eclipse IDE

Getting Started

  • Create a plugin folder and copy this repository: git init MyPlugin && cd MyPlugin && git pull https://github.com/pnfsoftware/jeb-template-plugin
  • Define a JEB_HOME environment variable and initialize it to your JEB installation folder
  • Run the create-eclipse-project script: it will create an Eclipse project, set up jeb.jar dependency and javadoc for in-IDE documentation and auto-completion
  • Import the project into Eclipse (menu File, Import, Existing Projects into the Workspace, ...)
  • Start implementing your plugin (entry-point class: SamplePlugin) and your Tester's testPlugin() method


  • Adjust your plugin name and version in build.cmd/build.sh
  • Execute the build script (Ant is required)
  • Copy the resulting Jar from the out/ folder to your JEB's coreplugins/ folder

