
[FORK] Docker Engine clustering using "Swarm Mode" and Ansible

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Docker

Build Status License Ansible Role GitHub tag

Setup a Docker on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu servers. The role supports Docker Engine's "Swarm Mode" (https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/) to create a cluster of Docker nodes.


An Ansible 2.3 or higher installation.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see [defaults/main.yml](defaults/main.yml)):

docker_repo: "{{ docker_repo_ce_stable }}"

The repository proving the Docker packages. The Docker Community stable repository is configured by default. Additional repositories are defined in [vars/main.yml](vars/main.yml) including the edge, test and nightly repositories. To skip the configuration of the repository and use the system repositories set skip_repo: true.

docker_package_name: "docker-ce"

Name of the package providing the Docker daemon.

  docker_package_version: ""

Version of the Docker package to be installed on the target hosts. When set to "" the latest available version will be installed.

docker_dependencies: "{{ default_docker_dependencies }}"

Additional packages to be installed by the role. See [vars/RedHat.yml](vars/RedHat.yml) and [vars/Debian.yml](vars/Debian.yml) for the definition of the default_docker_dependencies variable.

docker_service_state: "started"
docker_service_enabled: "yes"

State of the Docker service.

docker_daemon_config: {}

Dictionary of Docker deamon configuration options to be written to /etc/docker/daemon.json. See Daemon configuration file for the detailed documentation of the available options.

docker_swarm_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4['alias'] }}"

Setting docker_swarm_interface allows you to define which network interface will be used for cluster inter-communication.

docker_swarm_addr: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + docker_swarm_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"

Listen address for the Swarm raft API. By default, the ip address of docker_swarm_interface.

docker_swarm_port: 2377

Listen port for the Swarm raft API.

docker_group_name: "docker"
  - "{{ ansible_user }}"

Name of the Docker group and list of users to be added to docker_group_name to manage the Docker daemon. NB: The users must already exist in the system.

skip_repo: false
skip_engine: false
skip_group: false
skip_swarm: false
skip_docker_py: false

Switches allowing to disable specific functionalities of the role. If you want to use this role to install docker-engine without enabling swarm-mode set skip_swarm: true.

Swarm node labels

Node labels provide a flexible method of node organization. You can also use node labels in service constraints. Apply constraints when you create a service to limit the nodes where the scheduler assigns tasks for the service. You can define labels by swarm_labels variable, e.g:

$ cat inventory
swarm-01 swarm_labels=deploy

swarm-02 swarm_labels='["libvirt", "docker", "foo", "bar"]'

In this case:

$ docker inspect --format '{{json .Spec.Labels}}'  swarm-02 | jq
   "bar": "true",
   "docker": "true",
   "foo": "true",
   "libvirt": "true",

You can assign labels to cluster running playbook with --tags=swarm_labels

NB: Please note, all labels that are not defined in inventory will be removed

Example Playbook

$ cat inventory
swarm-01 ansible_ssh_host=
swarm-02 ansible_ssh_host=
swarm-03 ansible_ssh_host=


swarm-01 swarm_labels=deploy

swarm-02 swarm_labels='["libvirt", "docker", "foo", "bar"]'

$ cat playbook.yml
- name: "Provision Docker Swarm Cluster"
  hosts: all
    - { role: atosatto.docker-swarm }


Tests are performed by Molecule.

$ pip install tox

To test all the scenarios run

$ tox

To run a custom molecule command

$ tox -e py27-ansible23 -- molecule test -s swarm-cluster

The MOLECULE_DRIVER_NAME and MOLECULE_TARGET_DISTRO allows to change the Molecule driver from Docker to Vagrant and the tests target OS


To test the role on Ubuntu instead of CentOS set the



Author Information

Andrea Tosatto (@_hilbert_)