
Sensors to deliver adaptive loading based on a user's device and network

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sensors to help you deliver adaptive sensors to users depending on their network-type, memory, cpu, and saveData settings. A svelte version of react-adaptive-hooks although there are very few differences between the two libraries currently.

This library makes it easier to get information about a user's device, settings and network and alter your app's behaviour using these metrics.

Check it out liiiiiiive.

Currently 4 APIs are supported:


With npm:

npm install --save-dev svelte-adaptive-sensors

Or yarn:

yarn add --dev svelte-adaptive-sensors


Import them:

import {
} from 'svelte-adaptive-sensors';

And then use them.


All functions (or stores, in the case of getNetworkInfo) return an object with a supported property. This value is false if the API is not supported and true if it is.


A simple function that returns information about a user's logical processor cores using the navigator.hardwareConcurrency API.

This value is static and will never change. User don't routinely swap out their CPU when using an app and if they do then I wnat to hear about it.

getCpuInfo() = {
  supported: Boolean,
  processors:? Number

If supported is false then the processors property will not be present.

  import { getCpuInfo } from 'svelte-adaptive-sensors';

  const { processors, supported } = getCpuInfo();

{#if supported && processors > 4}
  <Video src={video_src} />
  <Image src={image_src}>


A function that returns a store containing information about a user's effect network speed using the navigator.connection.effectiveType API.

This is the only value that can update and as such it returns a readable store instead of a static value. The store has the following contents:

getNetworkInfo() = readable<{
  supported: Boolean,
  effectiveType:? Number

If supported is false then the effectiveType property will not be present.

  import { getNetworkInfo } from 'svelte-adaptive-sensors';

  const network = getNetworkInfo();

  function getProps(network_type) {
    let props;
    switch(network_type) {
      case 'slow-2g':
        props = { src: low_res, alt: 'low resolution' };
      case '2g':
        props = { src: med_res, alt: 'medium resolution' };
      case '3g':
        props = { src: hi_res, alt: 'high resolution' };
      case '4g':
        props = { src: very_hi_res, alt: 'very high resolution' };
        props = { src: med_res, alt: 'medium resolution' };

    return props;

  $: media_props = getProps($network.effectiveType);

<img {...media_props} />


A simple function that returns information about a user's deviceMemory using the navigator.deviceMemory and performance.memory APIs.

This value is static and will never change.

getMemoryInfo() = {
  supported: Boolean,
  deviceMemory:? Number,
  totalJSHeapSize:? Number,
  usedJSHeapSize:? Number,
  jsHeapSizeLimit:? Number,

If supported is false then the deviceMemory, totalJSHeapSize, usedJSHeapSize, jsHeapSizeLimit properties will not be present.

  import { getMemoryInfo } from 'svelte-adaptive-sensors';

  const { deviceMemory, supported } = getMemoryInfo();

{#if supported && deviceMemory > 4}
  <Video src={video_src} />
  <Image src={image_src}>


A simple function that returns a user's current Save Data status

getSaveDataInfo() = {
  supported: Boolean,
  saveData:? Boolean,

If supported is false then the saveDataproperty will not be present.

  import { getMemoryInfo } from 'svelte-adaptive-sensors';

  const { saveData, supported } = getSaveDataInfo();

{#if supported && !saveData}
  <Video src={video_src} />
  <Image src={image_src}>