OS Assignment 2

Project structure

├── bin # executable files will be generated here using make
├── include # header files for this project (*.h)
├── Makefile # Makefile for building the project
├── README.md # information about the project
└── src # source code for this projects

Running the code

To run the code with and without the provided Makefile, you can follow these instructions:

Running the code with the Makefile

  1. Compile the code:

    • Open your terminal.

    • Navigate to the root directory of your project, where the Makefile is located.

    • To compile the code, simply run the following command:

      make # "make all" works too

    This command will compile all the source code files in the src directory and generate executable files in the bin directory.

  2. Run a specific program:

    • After running make, you can execute a specific program by specifying its name. For example, if you have a file called my_program.c, run it using:

      make run-my_program # for example here to run load_balancer.c you have to use make run-load_balancer
      make run-secondary_server SNO=1 # this is needed for secondary server and this runs ./bin/secondary_server 1
  3. Clean the build:

    • To remove all the generated binary files and start fresh, you can run:

      make clean

    This command will delete the bin directory and its contents.

Running the code without the Makefile

If you prefer to compile and run the code manually without the Makefile, follow these steps:

  1. Compile the code manually:

    • Open your terminal.

    • Navigate to the root directory of your project.

    • Compile each source file individually using the following command (replace file_name.c with your actual source file):

      gcc -Wall -Wextra -Iinclude -Wconversion -pedantic-errors -Werror -o file_name src/file_name.c

    Repeat this step for each source file in your project. This will compile the source code and generate executable files in the project root.

  2. Run a specific program:

    • After manually compiling the code, you can execute a specific program by specifying its name. For example:

      The binaries when compiled manually are supposed to be run from the project root directory.
