
Convert all GuitarPro formats (3 to 7) to Midi simulating bending, overtones etc.

Primary LanguageC#


Simply import the unitypackage into your Unity program and run the only scene "call_gp_decoder". Click on the button to open any GuitarPro file. A file "output.mid" will be created in the home folder of your Unity project.

(The cs-files in this repo are just for quick access and needn't be downloaded.)


  • Reading GuitarPro 3 - 5 Files (based on the open python pyGuitarPro project)
  • Reading GuitarPro 6 Files (using a simple bitwise compression and an xml structure with dictionary and ids)
  • Reading GuitarPro 7 Files (packed like a normal zip-file and using a very large xml structure)
  • Transferring all files into a common native format that saves all (and only) the information that are interesting for midi files. I.e. a lot of information like fingering or guitar amp preferences are ignored.
  • Splitting to a secondary channel for certain effects
  • Exporting to Midi, trying to simulate the sound as best as possible: Simulating:
    • Different types of harmonics
    • Strum patterns
    • Bending - as far as the midi standard allows
    • Trembar - "
    • Volume knob effects
    • Muted notes
    • Vibratos
    • and perhaps more..

(I must mention that GuitarPro's native Midi export lacks far behind in this functionality!)

Please enjoy and create some great software with this!