
An example purchase order service build on .NET 8 with Native AOT support

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Purchase order API service - Monolith example

This repository contains an API service for creating purchase orders based on products known by the service and a customer that is registered at the service. The service contains three domains (Customer, Product and Purchaseorder), all in their own sub-project and no direct cross-references between the projects. This solution is an example of a solution architecture where you can start by building and growing the service with several domains, which can be splitted later on in seperate microservices with a small effort to seperate the different domains.

Each domain contains their own endpoint layer, a service layer and a repository layer. Mapping of DTOs happen between the different layers. The Mapperly library is used to facilitate the mapping code.

See this blog for more information: https://dev.to/pnieuwenhuis/making-a-net-8-reference-solution-for-monoliths-and-microservices-3bgl

Design goals

This example has the following design goals in mind:

  • Complete seperation of the different business domains. Make sure that the service eventually can be splitted into mulitple microservices with little effort.
  • Built on the latest .NET 8, including usage of Native AOT compiliation to make sure that the service has a low footprint on the running system. The service should also be runnable in an ARM-environment, such as a Kubernetes cluster with ARM-powered nodes.
  • Includes metadata describing the service for developer platforms.

Compilation and testing of the service

This repository requires that .NET 8 is installed on a Windows, MacOS or Linux machine. Installation instructions can be found here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0

The given commands in this README are shell commands that can be run on MacOS or Linux (or WSL on Windows), but could possible be executed on Windows without any changes.

Compile the solution:

dotnet build --tl

Running unit-tests:

dotnet test ./tests/**/*.csproj

This repository also contains integration tests on the endpoints and the repositories. To run the integration tests, the Docker runtime is required. The command to run the integration tests:

dotnet test ./integration/**/*.csproj

Running the service

The service requires some environment variables to be set. The repository contains an .env.example which contains some default settings to run the service in a local environment. Copy this file to .env, so the service can use these variables.

To run the service, some dependencies such as the database are required. Use Docker to start those dependencies:

docker compose up

The service can be started using this command:

ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=development dotnet run --project src/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp

Or when you want to reload the application after changes:

ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=development dotnet watch --tl --project src/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp run

After starting the service, an OpenAPI definition of all endpoints can be found at: http://localhost:5000/internal/openapi/v1/definition.json

Publication of the service

The service can be published as a self-contained executable without the need of .NET for various platforms.


dotnet publish ./src/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp.csproj -r win-x64 --configuration Release --output ./dist/win_x64


dotnet publish ./src/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp.csproj -r linux-x64 --configuration Release --output ./dist/linux_x64


dotnet publish ./src/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp.csproj -r linux-arm64 --configuration Release --output ./dist/linux_arm64


dotnet publish ./src/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp.csproj -r osx-x64 --configuration Release --output ./dist/osx_x64


dotnet publish ./src/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp/Nice.PurchaseOrder.ServiceApp.csproj -r osx-arm64 --configuration Release --output ./dist/osx_arm64