
It is basically an ASP.NET MVC 5 application. Performing basic CRUD operation using Entity Framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic CRUD operations using Entity Framework

This is a basic MVC 5 application. In which, Using Entity Framework DB model is created from an existing database and performs CRUD operations in the application.

In this application, Semantic UI framework is used instead of Bootstrap on view. And also used Datatable js library to display data in the paging table.

Steps to Do:

1. Create a Database and Employee table
2. Build employee model from created Database in the application. Steps are below:
      * Right-click on your [model] folder and select [Add] --> [New Item].
      * Select [ADO.NET Entity Data Model]. give a specific name to the model click on Add.
      * Choose Model Contents i.e. [EF Designer from Database]. Click on next.
      * Create a New Connection of your database server and Do all database setup.
      * Select your Employee Table.
3. After the above steps, the Employee model will be created and available to use which will be auto-generated code.
