Pinned Repositories
Monorepo implementing Boba, a compute layer for Ethereum
ETF DAO Core Idea Diversification is a core piece of investing. Traditional finance has mutual funds, exchange traded funds, money markets and other simple ways for investors to directly participate in a basket of assets. These systems reduce systematic risk for investors in easily accessible ways. Anybody can simply buy an ETF like SPY or VOO, and they're then immediately exposed to the price movement of 100s of different stocks. Similar instruments are available for practically any facet of traditional finances. Unfortunately that isn't the case in DeFi. While the emphasis on "do your own research" is incredibly valuable, it's an obstacle which prevents busier people from joining - a single token can take hours to days to research, meaning diversification is completely out of reach. An ETF equivalent for DeFi removes this barrier, and can be done through smart contracts - meaning no fee paid to a money manager. ERC20, NFTs, crypto, DAOs can all be managed through decentralized pools, allowing quick and easy access. Our Implementation As part of this hackathon, we've created a pair of contracts and UI that facilitate the creation of ERC20 ETFs. Anybody can specify any grouping of tokens and quantities, and use the ETF Factory contract to create a Fund. Anybody can then interact directly with the Fund to be exposed to the price changes in the group of ERC20 tokens. For example somebody can create a Fund with 5 LOOT, 10 STONK, and 20 VINYL. Then anybody else can interact with the Fund, joining it and buying Fund tokens. The price of joining is exactly equal to the current price of the underlying assets multiplied by the number of fund tokens that they want to buy. Then when they want to exit the fund, they can interact with the contract and receive the current value of the underlying assets. This is incredibly powerful, as it means that the new Fund tokens are worth exactly what the underlying tokens are worth - instead of the three tokens in this example, the Fund could have 500 (or infinite) underlying tokens, and the ease of joining is exactly the same. On top of this, the Fund itself is an ERC20, meaning it can be traded in the exact same way. If somebody wanted to, they could make a Fund of Funds, furthering the ease of diversification. Since they're ERC20s, Funds can also be traded themselves on an exchange, exactly as the traditional finance ETFs do, meaning people could still access them without having to interact directly with the Fund contracts. Technology A key bottleneck here is the sheer number of swaps that need to happen to create or redeem the Fund token. Because of this we need a gas reducing solution. Polygon works perfectly for this. Using their side chain vastly reduces the cost of purchasing and selling the underlying assets. Alongside this, the ability to trade the funds on any dex means that - once created - people can freely buy and sell the Fund without having to use the relatively costly join or exit functions. A second bottleneck is that the current implementation relies on a static set of assets. This works well, but fails to capture the value found in actively managed funds. The best way of allowing active management of a fund in a decentralized manner is to implement a DAO. DXdao allows for on-chain management of created Funds. Communities can be built around Funds, and carrots can be tied to fund KPIs as a way to reward particularly profitable Fund trades, incentivizing deeper research. Use Cases ETFs are such fundamental asset classes that they can be used in practically any way: - Influencers wishing to allow investors to invest using their strategy. Fees can be tied to this, or DXdao's carrots can be used as rewards for well-managed funds. - Companies wishing to build investing arms and offer their token for governance - Communities wishing to invest together and participate in discovery and risk reduction together - Varying applications where funds may be focused on the market as a whole or specific industries and asset types. NFT funds, ERC20 funds, tokenized stock funds, etc.
A wireframe mesh '3d' object renderer. It takes text files such as those in the test_maps file, in which the there are numbers placed around a board which correspond to the locations y value (height). The project can be compiled using make, and run using ./fdf [map_text_file]. Or for example './fdf test_maps/extra/t1.fdf'.
A basic fractol rendering project. Contains mandlebrot, julia, and burningship fractols with variable zoom, RGB base values, and permutations of depth. To run this project, run make in the parent directory, then run using ./fractol [fractol type].
recoding of the basic functionality of printf.
A gif making and sharing app. Users can take photos and/or gifs, apply filters and stickers over them, and post them publicly. Photos and gifs can be rated, commented on, and sorted. Additionally, they can be exported to different forms of social media.
A demo of a simple method of implementing user authentication in a react single page application.
pnkfluffy's Repositories
A demo of a simple method of implementing user authentication in a react single page application.
ETF DAO Core Idea Diversification is a core piece of investing. Traditional finance has mutual funds, exchange traded funds, money markets and other simple ways for investors to directly participate in a basket of assets. These systems reduce systematic risk for investors in easily accessible ways. Anybody can simply buy an ETF like SPY or VOO, and they're then immediately exposed to the price movement of 100s of different stocks. Similar instruments are available for practically any facet of traditional finances. Unfortunately that isn't the case in DeFi. While the emphasis on "do your own research" is incredibly valuable, it's an obstacle which prevents busier people from joining - a single token can take hours to days to research, meaning diversification is completely out of reach. An ETF equivalent for DeFi removes this barrier, and can be done through smart contracts - meaning no fee paid to a money manager. ERC20, NFTs, crypto, DAOs can all be managed through decentralized pools, allowing quick and easy access. Our Implementation As part of this hackathon, we've created a pair of contracts and UI that facilitate the creation of ERC20 ETFs. Anybody can specify any grouping of tokens and quantities, and use the ETF Factory contract to create a Fund. Anybody can then interact directly with the Fund to be exposed to the price changes in the group of ERC20 tokens. For example somebody can create a Fund with 5 LOOT, 10 STONK, and 20 VINYL. Then anybody else can interact with the Fund, joining it and buying Fund tokens. The price of joining is exactly equal to the current price of the underlying assets multiplied by the number of fund tokens that they want to buy. Then when they want to exit the fund, they can interact with the contract and receive the current value of the underlying assets. This is incredibly powerful, as it means that the new Fund tokens are worth exactly what the underlying tokens are worth - instead of the three tokens in this example, the Fund could have 500 (or infinite) underlying tokens, and the ease of joining is exactly the same. On top of this, the Fund itself is an ERC20, meaning it can be traded in the exact same way. If somebody wanted to, they could make a Fund of Funds, furthering the ease of diversification. Since they're ERC20s, Funds can also be traded themselves on an exchange, exactly as the traditional finance ETFs do, meaning people could still access them without having to interact directly with the Fund contracts. Technology A key bottleneck here is the sheer number of swaps that need to happen to create or redeem the Fund token. Because of this we need a gas reducing solution. Polygon works perfectly for this. Using their side chain vastly reduces the cost of purchasing and selling the underlying assets. Alongside this, the ability to trade the funds on any dex means that - once created - people can freely buy and sell the Fund without having to use the relatively costly join or exit functions. A second bottleneck is that the current implementation relies on a static set of assets. This works well, but fails to capture the value found in actively managed funds. The best way of allowing active management of a fund in a decentralized manner is to implement a DAO. DXdao allows for on-chain management of created Funds. Communities can be built around Funds, and carrots can be tied to fund KPIs as a way to reward particularly profitable Fund trades, incentivizing deeper research. Use Cases ETFs are such fundamental asset classes that they can be used in practically any way: - Influencers wishing to allow investors to invest using their strategy. Fees can be tied to this, or DXdao's carrots can be used as rewards for well-managed funds. - Companies wishing to build investing arms and offer their token for governance - Communities wishing to invest together and participate in discovery and risk reduction together - Varying applications where funds may be focused on the market as a whole or specific industries and asset types. NFT funds, ERC20 funds, tokenized stock funds, etc.
A gif making and sharing app. Users can take photos and/or gifs, apply filters and stickers over them, and post them publicly. Photos and gifs can be rated, commented on, and sorted. Additionally, they can be exported to different forms of social media.
Monorepo implementing Boba, a compute layer for Ethereum
A wireframe mesh '3d' object renderer. It takes text files such as those in the test_maps file, in which the there are numbers placed around a board which correspond to the locations y value (height). The project can be compiled using make, and run using ./fdf [map_text_file]. Or for example './fdf test_maps/extra/t1.fdf'.
A basic fractol rendering project. Contains mandlebrot, julia, and burningship fractols with variable zoom, RGB base values, and permutations of depth. To run this project, run make in the parent directory, then run using ./fractol [fractol type].
A recoding of the shell command ls
recoding of the basic functionality of printf.
The first project as a full time student at 42 Silicon Valley. You are asked to recreate a selection of standard C library functions as well as add any that might be useful for your own use. This library has been updated and organized over time.
Repository for sharing templates and decentralized website info
bash scripts to download a youtube video in 4k as an .mp4
A guide to available tools and platforms for developing on Ethereum.
This project is an exercise in recursion, optimization, and use of data structures. The goal is to construct a recursive algorithm that, given any text list of Tetronimos (Tetris pieces), will find and return the smallest square in which they can all fit.
42 Silicon Valley exam subjects, pseudocode, testcases, and solutions
This is a single function which gets passed a file descriptor as well as the address of a variable. The function populates the variable address with the next line read from the file descriptor. Calling the function multiple times or in a loop continues to populate the variable with the next line until the end of file is reached.
🖼 Extract frames from an animated GIF with pure JS
[TOG & SIGGRAPH 2024] Joint Stroke Tracing and Correspondence for 2D Animation
Save a HTML5 Canvas to GIF and Animations. A port of as3gif GIFPlayer to JS
Wordpress Theme built for Galleries
Declarative routing for React
Synthwave inspired colour theme for VS Code 🌅🕶