Developed by Tashrif Billah, Sylvain Bouix, and Yogesh Rathi, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School).
This pipeline is also available as Docker and Singularity containers. See pnlpipe-containers for details.
- Table of Contents
- Citation
- Introduction
- Dependencies
- Installation
- Multiprocessing
- Pipeline scripts overview
- Global bashrc
- Tutorial
- Support
Table of Contents created by gh-md-toc
If this pipeline is useful in your research, please cite as below:
Billah, Tashrif; Bouix, Sylvain; Rathi, Yogesh; NIFTI MRI processing pipeline,, 2019, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3258854
pnlNipype is a Python-based framework for processing anatomical (T1, T2) and diffusion weighted images. It comprises some of the PNL's neuroimaging pipelines. A pipeline is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of dependencies. The following diagram depicts functionality of the NIFTI pipeline, where each node represents an output, and the arrows represent dependencies:
Detailed DAGs are available here.
- dcm2niix
- ANTs >= 2.3.0
- UKFTractography >= 1.0
- FreeSurfer >= 5.3.0
- FSL >= 5.0.11
- Python >= 3.6
pnlNipype depends on the above software modules. It is recommended to follow pnlpipe installation instruction. Most of the requisite software modules will be installed with pnlpipe. In addition, you should also learn how to configure your environment and source individual software module.
Installing pnlNipype independently should require you to install each of the dependencies separately. This way, you can have more control upon the requisite software modules. The independent installation is for users with a little more programming knowledge.
Install the following software (ignore the one(s) you have already):
- Python >= 3.6
- FreeSurfer >= 5.3.0
- FSL >= 5.0.11
uname -a # check if 32 or 64 bit
Download Miniconda Python 3.6 bash installer (32/64-bit based on your environment):
sh -b # -b flag is for license agreement
Activate the conda environment:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # should introduce '(base)' in front of each line
Follow the instruction to download and install FSL.
Follow the instruction to download and install FreeSurfer >= 5.3.0
After installation, you can check FreeSurfer version by typing freesurfer
on the terminal.
The rest of the software can be installed with pnlpipe infrastructure:
git clone --recurse-submodules && cd pnlNipype
# install the python packages required to run pnlNipype
conda env create -f environment36.yml
conda activate pnlpipe3
# define PYTHONPATH so that pnlNipype/cmd/ can find pnlpipe_software/* installation scripts
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
# define PNLPIPE_SOFT where you would like to install pnlNipype software modules
export PNLPIPE_SOFT=/path/to/wherever/you/want/
cmd/ UKFTractography
cmd/ dcm2niix
cmd/ ANTs
cmd/ tract_querier
cmd/ trainingDataT1AHCC
cmd/ trainingDataT2Masks
Detailed instruction can be found here.
You may also build the following from source:
- ANTs
You can build ANTs from source. Additionally, you should define ANTSPATH.
The other alternative can be installing ANTs through conda
. We have developed a conda package for ANTs==2.3.0
You can get that by:
conda install -c pnbwh ants
- dcm2niix
dcm2niix executable will create NIFTI file from DICOM. The pipeline uses a reliable converter dcm2niix. Building of dcm2niix is very straightforward and reliable. Follow this instruction to build dcm2niix.
- UKFTractography
Follow this instruction to download and install UKFTractography.
If you have already configured your environment following pnlpipe, you may pass the instruction below:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # should introduce '(base)' in front of each line
export FSLDIR=/path/to/fsl/ # setup fsl environment
source $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/
export PATH=$PATH:$FSLDIR/bin
export FREESURFER_HOME=/path/to/freesurfer # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
# source PNLPIPE_SOFT environments
source ${PNLPIPE_SOFT}/ANTs-bin-*/
source ${PNLPIPE_SOFT}/UKFTractography-*/
source ${PNLPIPE_SOFT}/dcm2niix-*/
source ${PNLPIPE_SOFT}/tract_querier-*/
export PATH=/path/to/pnlNipype/exec:$PATH
(If you would like, you may edit your bashrc to have environment automatically setup every time you open a new terminal)
Both pnlpipe and pnlNipype have centralized control over various temporary directories created down the pipeline.
The temporary directories can be large, and may possibly clog the default /tmp/
directory. You may define custom
temporary directory with environment variable PNLPIPE_TMPDIR
mkdir /path/to/tmp/
export PNLPIPE_TMPDIR=/path/to/tmp/
Upon successful installation, you should be able to see help message of each script in the pipeline:
cd lib
scripts/ --help
scripts/ --help
This section will be elaborated in future.
Multi-processing is an advanced feature of pnlNipype. The following scripts are able to utilize python multiprocessing capability:
You may specify N_PROC
parameter in scripts/ for default number of processes to be used across scripts in the pipeline.
N_PROC = '4'
On a Linux machine, you should find the number of processors by the command lscpu
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-55
You can specify any number not greater than the On-line CPU(s). However, one caveat is, other applications in your computer
may become sluggish or you may run into memory error due to heavier computation in the background. If this is the case,
reduce NCPU (--nproc
) to less than 4.
is a directory of PNL specific scripts that implement various
pipeline steps. These scripts are the successors to the ones in pnlpipe
used for NRRD format data. Besides being more robust and up to date with respect to software such
as ANTS, they are implemented in python using
the shell scripting library plumbum.
Being written in python means they are easier to understand and modify,
and plumbum allows them to be
almost as concise as a regular shell script.
You can call any of these scripts directly, e.g.
scripts/ -h
It's important to note that usually the scripts are calling other binaries, such as those in ANTS, FreeSurfer and FSL. So, make sure you source each of their environments so individual scripts are able to find them.
This table summarizes the scripts in pnlNipype/scripts/
Category | Script | Function |
General | | axis aligns and centers an image |
General | | masks a 3D/4D MRI using FSL bet |
General | | skullstrips by applying a labelmap mask |
General | | performs morphological operation on a brain mask |
General | | resamples a 3D/4D image |
- | - | - |
DWI | | Gibbs unringing |
DWI | | applies a transform to a DWI |
DWI | | extracts a baseline b0 image |
- | - | - |
DWI | | corrects EPI distortion via registration |
DWI | | corrects EPI distortion using FSL topup and eddy_openmp |
- | - | - |
DWI | | corrects eddy distortion via registration |
DWI | | corrects eddy distortion using FSL eddy_openmp |
DWI | | convenient script for running UKFTractography |
- | - | - |
Structural | | computes a brain mask from training data |
Structural | | transforms a labelmap to align with another structural image |
Structural | | convenient script for running freesurfer |
- | - | - |
Freesurfer to DWI | | registers a freesurfer segmentation to a DWI |
Tractography | | simple wrapper for tract_querier |
Tractography | | makes html page of rendered wmql tracts |
The above executables are available as soft links in pnlNipype/exec
directory as well:
Soft link | Target script |
fsl_eddy | ../scripts/ |
fsl_toup_epi_eddy | ../scripts/ |
masking | ../scripts/ |
nifti_align | ../scripts/ |
unring | ../scripts/ |
maskfilter | ../scripts/ |
resample | ../scripts/ |
nifti_atlas | ../scripts/ |
nifti_bet_mask | ../scripts/ |
nifti_bse | ../scripts/ |
nifti_fs | ../scripts/ |
nifti_fs2dwi | ../scripts/ |
nifti_makeAlignedMask | ../scripts/ |
nifti_wmql | ../scripts/ |
pnl_eddy | ../scripts/ |
pnl_epi | ../scripts/ |
ukf | ../scripts/ |
For example, to execute axis alignment script, you can do either of the following:
pnlNipype/exec/nifti_align -h
pnlNipype/scripts/ -h
If you want your terminal to have the scripts automatically discoverable and environment ready to go, you may put the following lines in your bashrc:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # should intoduce '(base)' in front of each line
export FSLDIR=/path/to/fsl # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
export PATH=$PATH:$FSLDIR/bin
source $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/
export FREESURFER_HOME=/path/to/freesurfer # you may specify another directory where FreeSurfer is installed
export PATH=/path/to/pnlNipype/exec:$PATH
export ANTSPATH=/path/to/ANTs/bin/
export PATH=$ANTSPATH:ANTs/Scripts:$PATH # define ANTSPATH and export ANTs scripts in your path
export PATH=/path/to/dcm2niix/build/bin:$PATH
See the TUTORIAL for workflow and function of each script.
Create an issue at . We shall get back to you as early as possible.