Final mask from `pnlNipype/exec/fsl_topup_epi_eddy`
Closed this issue · 7 comments
If my primary image was dwi_acq-AP
and my secondary image is dwi_acq-PA
. It isn't obvious to me what file would be my final mask:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 9121098 Dec 11 05:50 primaryMasked.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 9280486 Dec 11 05:50 secondaryMasked.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 175619 Dec 11 05:50 B0_PA.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 1533 Dec 11 05:50 B0_PA_AP_merged.topup_log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 353775 Dec 11 05:50 B0_PA_AP_merged.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 178428 Dec 11 05:50 B0_AP.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 33 Dec 11 05:50 acqp_topup.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 38 Dec 11 05:52 topup_results_movpar.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 204 Dec 11 05:52 topup_results_fieldcoef.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 16697 Dec 11 05:52 topup_mask.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 260 Dec 11 05:52 index.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 7564 Dec 11 05:52 combinedBvecs.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 903 Dec 11 05:52 combinedBvals.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 18402017 Dec 11 05:52 combinedData.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 797 Dec 11 09:34 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_post_eddy_shell_alignment_parameters
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 32654 Dec 11 09:42 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_parameters
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 899 Dec 11 09:42 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_outlier_report
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 55176 Dec 11 09:42 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_outlier_n_stdev_map
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 57340 Dec 11 09:42 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_outlier_n_sqr_stdev_map
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 15537 Dec 11 09:42 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_outlier_map
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 311763042 Dec 11 09:44 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.nii.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 5610 Dec 11 09:44 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_rotated_bvecs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 3676 Dec 11 09:45 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_movement_rms
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 3664 Dec 11 09:46 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.eddy_restricted_movement_rms
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 5610 Dec 11 09:46 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.bvec
-rw-rw-r-- 1 intj5 intj5 322 Dec 11 09:47 dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.bval
See this if-else logic.
The topup_mask.nii.gz
looks really bad.
For reference here's what I included when I ran this step:
~/build/pnlNipype/exec/fsl_topup_epi_eddy \
--acqp acqparams.txt \
--numb0 -1 \
--whichVol 1,2 \
--bvals dwi_acq-AP_xc.bval,dwi_acq-PA_xc.bval \
--bvecs dwi_acq-AP_xc.bvec,dwi_acq-PA_xc.bvec \
--config /fslhome/intj5/build/pnlNipype/scripts/eddy_config.txt \
--imain dwi_acq-AP_xc.nii.gz,dwi_acq-PA_xc.nii.gz \
--mask dwi_acq-AP_mask.nii.gz,dwi_acq-PA_mask.nii.gz \
--out dwi_epi
How good were --mask dwi_acq-AP_mask.nii.gz,dwi_acq-PA_mask.nii.gz
Did they have a thin separate boundary outside the brain like we see in the derived topup_mask.nii.gz
It's either topup
or applytopup
that isn't doing a good job here. How do the dwi_acq-AP_xc_Ep_Ed.nii.gz
look? Do you think that has been properly eddy/epi corrected?
The masks look OK.
Eddy worked just fine, but I don't think topup worked too well.
On the left (volume 1 is the AP scan) and on the right (volume 66 is the PA scan). You can still see the AP-PA distortion on the images since the blue crosshair is placed at the same spot for both images. There's still a lot of frontal lobe distortion on the PA scan (right).
Your annotation of left/right and AP/PA don't appear to be completely harmonious. Can you use "above" and "below" to explicitly refer to the figures? You can edit and I'll follow.
But in the big picture, given your findings of bad mask, I may have to resort to obtaining mask in the simpler way (averaging and bet of topup b0s) as suggested in eddy documentation.
In contrast, note that we also applytopup
on the given masks to obtain a presumably better mask.
cc @sbouix
Eddy worked just fine, but I don't think topup worked too well.
For avoiding over-fitting, we would have to play with advanced parameters of eddy_openmp
as shown in example commands here.
The topup_mask.nii.gz looks really bad.
Mask issue should be fixed now (see cd6f1a4).
Finally, my recent changes to pnlNipype can be pulled as follows
- if you have un-staged changes in pnlNipype directory, and you want to retain them:
cd pnlNipype
mv scripts/ .
git checkout -- scripts/
git pull origin master
mv scripts/
- if you have un-staged changes in pnlNipype directory, but you want to discard them:
cd pnlNipype
git checkout -- scripts/
git pull origin master