- 00mjk
- aben20807NTU
- Agnij-Moitra@BVNCodeTech
- amandadumiSandia National Laboratories
- amirebrahimi@Unity-Technologies, @LMNRY
- auroraustc
- bigwaterStevens Institute of Technology
- boyuanzhang62IU
- damiansteiger
- degerliTurkey
- DmitryLyakh
- fenahuhu
- filipeoliveiraa@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT
- flying-Yan
- flyree
- gbxuUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- guanxyzKent State
- guenp@motherduckdb
- Hanrui-WangUCLA
- jbro885wgu
- m-pedroAI, Machine Learning, AGI
- mlxd@XanaduAI
- nirajvenkat
- nmoranIreland
- pu2wofHiggsConsultoria
- rbnx
- rjohnson3
- shivupaUniversity of Pittsburgh
- shukobFunnelSphere Inc. / Univ. of Tokyo
- tamaUdonJapan, Tokyo
- tanchengGoogle
- theerfanLos Angeles, CA
- uuudownPacific Northwest National Laboratory
- xenoicwyce
- XiaoTailong
- yukwangminBrookhaven National Laboratory