
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project provides a modular multi-tasking experiment environment.





  1. Make sure you have Python 2.7 installed and available from the command line. ex.
$ python --version
Python 2.7.13
  1. Create a virtual environment to contain the server (optional)
virtualenv wright # using macports?  Try virtualenv-2.7
cd wright/
source bin/activate
  1. Install prerequisite libraries for Python
pip install Django==1.11
pip install tornado==4.3
  1. Install and configure the ModME server locally
    replace the email address and password as appropriate
tar -xzvf ~/Downloads/modme.tgz
cd modme/
python ./manage.py migrate
python ./manage.py shell -c "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser('admin', 'admin@example.com', 'hunter2')"
python ./Tornado.py
  1. Verify the server is running
  • Open a browser to http://localhost:9000
  • You will see a large banner proclaiming 'INDEX' and links to ModME, Administration, Conditions, and "Add a New Table"


  1. Create a condition
  1. Configure your condition
  • Browse to http://localhost:9000/admin/ModME/condition
  • Find the condition you're interested in and click "Configure"
  • Use the drop-downs under "Included Tasks" to select the tasks for your experiment
  • Click on the element you want to configure to open the properties dialog for it
  • Press "Submit Changes" when you are done

Repeatable Event Sequences

  1. Record a session
  • Browse to the ModME experiment initiation page http://localhost:9000/ModME/
  • Select a condition from the drop-down, enter a participant, session, and study id, and press the Begin button
  • Press the space bar when prompted
  • Wait for the experiment to finish. You do not need to respond to alerts or otherwise while the experiment is running.
  • Once the session is complete, browse to http://localhost:9000/admin/ModME/metadata/
  • Find the entry for your recorded session and click the link
  • Check the AllowEventReuse box and press Save
  1. Record an experiment session with a recordable sequence of events
  • Browse to http://localhost:9000/ModME/
  • After selecting the condition from the uppermost drop-down, the "Reuse Session Data" dropdown will be populated
  • Check the "Reuse Session Data" box and select your previously-recorded session
  • Enter the participant, session, and study IDs and press Begin
  • When the participant initiates the session on the next page, their session will reuse the previously-recorded alerts
  1. Modifying a sequence of reusable events
  • find the id for the session you want to modify
    find the id at http://localhost:9000/admin/ModME/metadata
  • grab previously-recorded alerts from the database using the right metadata_id
    echo $'.mode csv
    select time, eventType, chart, domid, arg
      from modme_event
      where metadata_id=6 and eventtype="alert"
      order by id desc
      ;'   | sqlite3 db.sqlite3 > repeatableAlerts.csv
  • modify the alerts in your favorite csv editor
  • load the alerts using the command-line tools for site management
    Correct the condition name as appropriate
    python manage.py load_events -c demoCondition ./repeatableAlerts.csv
