- Django v2
- see requirements.txt for python dependencies
- Pure CSS/js
- jinja2
- Django Templates for admin interface
- JS libs
- leaflet
- markercluster
- possible
- Webpack or parcel? build pipelines
- postgresql v10
- osm2pgsql
- use script in /util to download osm data into postgres
- possible
- mapbox search api
- google places api
- unittest
- db user may need superuser in db to create objects for test
- development server is running
- ./manage.py test
- setup venv
- python3 -m venv env
- activate venv
- . env/bin/activate
- install dependencies
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- django-admin startproject “sitename”
- fill in settings settings docs
- python manage.py startapp “appname”
- python manage.py createsuperuser
- needed to allow use of admin interface
- install postgresql and postgis
- create db named reservation
- create postgis extension
- setup user to match settings.py
- import data using osm2pgsql, command in utils/overpass.sh
- run migrations to setup reservation table
- python manage.py runserver
- good to go
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- run setupssh.sh
- site available at localhost:8000