
Primary LanguagePython

Recruitment Task - backend internship

Hi! This is my solution of the recruitment task posted at https://git.profil-software.com/recruitment-03-2021/recruitment-task-backend-internship

Bonus tasks

  • --coin parameter for specifying other types of cryptocurrencies (default btc-bitcoin),

1. Clone repository

$ git clone https://github.com/pnorm/coinpaprika.git

2. Create and activate virtual environment

~/coinpaprika$ python3 -m venv env
~/coinpaprika$ source env/bin/activate

3. Install requirements

(env):~/coinpaprika$ pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Examples how to use script

4.1. Calculate average price of currency by month for given period.

  • Example 1
(env):$ python script.py average-price-by-month --start-date=2020-02 --end-date=2020-03

Date 	 Average Price ($)
2020-02  9663.33833
2020-03  6884.02536
  • Example 2
(env):$ python script.py average-price-by-month --start-date=2020-02 --end-date=2020-03 --coin=eth-ethereum

Date 	 Average Price ($)
2020-02  239.12726
2020-03  160.41598
  • the commands below throw exceptions
  • Example 3
(env):$ python script.py average-price-by-month --start-date=2020-02-01 --end-date=2020-03-01

Invalid date pattern
  • Example 4
(env):$ python script.py average-price-by-month --start-date=2020-02 --end-date=2020-03 --coin=eth-ether

Sorry, we don't have that coin.
  • Example 5
(env):$ python script.py average-price-by-month --start-date=2020-02 --end-date=2020-01

Start date can't be after end date.

4.2. Find longest consecutive period in which price was increasing.

  • Example 1
(env):$ python script.py consecutive-increase --start-date=2020-02-01 --end-date=2021-01-01 --coin=eth-ethereum

<<< Longest consecutive period was from 2020-04-21 to 2020-04-29 with increase of $43.62 >>>
  • the commands below throw exceptions
  • Example 2
(env):$ python script.py consecutive-increase --start-date=2020-01-01 --end-date=2021-03-01

You can fetch max 366 rows in one request. Change date range.
  • Example 3
(env):$ python script.py consecutive-increase --start-date=2020-02-01 --end-date=2019-01-01 --coin=eth-ethereum

Start date can't be after end date.
  • Example 4
(env):$ python script.py consecutive-increase --start-date=2020-02-01 --end-date=2020-02-01 --coin=eth-ethereum

There is no increase in a given period of time.

4.3. Export data for given period in one of selected format csv or json.

  • Example 1
(env):$ python script.py export --start-date=2020-02-01 --end-date=2021-01-01 --coin=eth-ethereum --format=csv --file=test

Data successfully saved to the CSV file.

(env):$ ls data
  • Example 2
(env):$ python script.py export --start-date=2020-02-01 --end-date=2021-01-01 --coin=eth-ethereum --format=json --file=test

Data successfully saved to the JSON file

(env):$ ls data
eth-ethereum_test.csv  eth-ethereum_test.json
  • Example 3
(env):$ python script.py export --start-date=2020-02-01 --end-date=2021-01-01 --coin=eth-ethereum --format=txt --file=test

You can export only to csv or json.

Json structure

        "Date": "2020-02-01",
        "Price": 183.93398133
        "Date": "2020-02-02",
        "Price": 188.6811418

CSV structure
