pyclustering is a Python, C++ data mining library (clustering algorithm, oscillatory networks, neural networks). The library provides Python and C++ implementations (via CCORE library) of each algorithm or model. CCORE library is a part of pyclustering and supported only for 32, 64-bit Linux and 32, 64-bit Windows operating systems.
Version: 0.8.2
License: GNU General Public License
PyClustering Wiki:
Required packages: scipy, matplotlib, numpy, Pillow
Python version: >=3.4 (32, 64-bit)
C++ version: >= 14 (32, 64-bit)
Each algorithm is implemented using Python and C/C++ language, if your platform is not supported then Python implementation is used, otherwise C/C++. Implementation can be chosen by ccore flag (by default it is always 'True' and it means that C/C++ is used), for example:
xmeans_instance_1 = xmeans(data_points, start_centers, 20, ccore=True); # As by default - C/C++ is used
xmeans_instance_2 = xmeans(data_points, start_centers, 20, ccore=False); # Switch off the core - Python is used
ccore option runs ccore shared library (core of the pyclustering library). The core is maintained for Linux 32, 64-bit and Windows 32, 64-bit.
Installation using pip3 tool:
$ pip3 install pyclustering
Manual installation using GCC:
# get sources of the pyclustering library, for example, from repository
$ mkdir pyclustering
$ cd pyclustering/
$ git clone .
# compile CCORE library (core of the pyclustering library)
# you can specify platform (32-bit: 'ccore_x86', 64-bit: 'ccore_x64')
$ cd pyclustering/ccore
$ make ccore_x64 # compile CCORE for 64-bit
# make ccore_x86 # compile CCORE for 32-bit
# make ccore # compile CCORE for both platforms if you do not know which is required
# return to parent folder of the pyclustering library
cd ../
# add current folder to python path
Manual installation using Visual Studio:
- Clone repository from:
- Open folder pyclustering/ccore
- Open Visual Studio project ccore.sln
- Select solution platform: 'x86' or 'x64'
- Build 'ccore' project.
- Add pyclustering folder to python path.
In case of any questions, proposals or bugs related to the pyclustering please contact to or create an issue here.
Branch | master | 0.8.2.rel |
Build (Linux) | ||
Build (Win) | ||
Code Coverage |
Clustering algorithms and methods (module pyclustering.cluster):
- Agglomerative [Python, C++]
- BANG [Python]
- BIRCH [Python]
- BSAS [Python, C++]
- CLARANS [Python]
- CURE [Python, C++]
- DBSCAN [Python, C++]
- Elbow [Python, C++]
- EMA [Python]
- GA (Genetic Algorithm) [Python, C++]
- HSyncNet [Python, C++]
- K-Means [Python, C++]
- K-Means++ [Python, C++]
- K-Medians [Python, C++]
- K-Medoids (PAM) [Python, C++]
- MBSAS [Python, C++]
- OPTICS [Python, C++]
- ROCK [Python, C++]
- Silhouette [Python]
- SOM-SC [Python, C++]
- SyncNet [Python, C++]
- Sync-SOM [Python]
- TTSAS [Python, C++]
- X-Means [Python, C++]
Oscillatory networks and neural networks (module pyclustering.nnet):
- CNN (Chaotic Neural Network) [Python]
- fSync (Oscillatory network based on Landau-Stuart equation and Kuramoto model) [Python]
- HHN (Oscillatory network based on Hodgkin-Huxley model) [Python, C++]
- Hysteresis Oscillatory Network [Python]
- LEGION (Local Excitatory Global Inhibitory Oscillatory Network) [Python, C++]
- PCNN (Pulse-Coupled Neural Network) [Python, C++]
- SOM (Self-Organized Map) [Python, C++]
- Sync (Oscillatory network based on Kuramoto model) [Python, C++]
- SyncPR (Oscillatory network for pattern recognition) [Python, C++]
- SyncSegm (Oscillatory network for image segmentation) [Python, C++]
Graph Coloring Algorithms (module pyclustering.gcolor):
- DSatur [Python]
- Hysteresis [Python]
- GColorSync [Python]
Containers (module pyclustering.container):
- KD Tree [Python, C++]
- CF Tree [Python]
If you are using pyclustering library in a scientific paper, please, cite the library.
BibTeX entry:
@misc{andrei_novikov_2018_1491324, author = {Andrei Novikov}, title = {annoviko/pyclustering: pyclustering 0.8.2 release}, month = nov, year = 2018, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1491324}, url = {} }
The library contains examples for each algorithm and oscillatory network model:
Clustering examples: pyclustering/cluster/examples
Graph coloring examples: pyclustering/gcolor/examples
Oscillatory network examples: pyclustering/nnet/examples
Cluster allocation on FCPS dataset collection by DBSCAN:
Cluster allocation by OPTICS using cluster-ordering diagram:
Partial synchronization (clustering) in Sync oscillatory network:
Cluster visualization by SOM (Self-Organized Feature Map)
Data clustering by CURE algorithm
from pyclustering.cluster import cluster_visualizer;
from pyclustering.cluster.cure import cure;
from pyclustering.utils import read_sample;
from pyclustering.samples.definitions import FCPS_SAMPLES;
# Input data in following format [ [0.1, 0.5], [0.3, 0.1], ... ].
input_data = read_sample(FCPS_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_LSUN);
# Allocate three clusters:
cure_instance = cure(input_data, 3);
clusters = cure_instance.get_clusters();
# Visualize clusters:
visualizer = cluster_visualizer();
visualizer.append_clusters(clusters, input_data);;
Simulation of oscillatory network PCNN
from pyclustering.nnet.pcnn import pcnn_network, pcnn_visualizer;
# Create Pulse-Coupled neural network with 10 oscillators.
net = pcnn_network(10, ccore = ccore_flag);
# Perform simulation during 100 steps using binary external stimulus.
dynamic = net.simulate(100, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]);
# Allocate synchronous ensembles in the network.
ensembles = dynamic.allocate_sync_ensembles();
# Show output dynamic.
Simulation of chaotic neural network CNN
from pyclustering.samples.definitions import FCPS_SAMPLES;
from pyclustering.utils import read_sample;
from pyclustering.nnet.cnn import cnn_network, cnn_visualizer;
# load stimulus from file
stimulus = read_sample(SIMPLE_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_SIMPLE1);
# create chaotic neural network, amount of neurons should be equal to amout of stimulus
network_instance = cnn_network(len(stimulus));
# simulate it during 100 steps
output_dynamic = network_instance.simulate(steps, stimulus);
# display output dynamic of the network
# dysplay dynamic matrix and observation matrix to show clustering
# phenomenon.