This is laravel admin project sample include below list
- Team Members
- roles and permission
- image uploading
- company
- One To Many Branches (With company_id in branch table)
- branch
- One Company To Many (With company_id in branch table)
- Many Branches To Many Users (With user_has_branches table)
- department
- Many Departments To Many Users (With user_has_departments table)
- Holiday
- Many Holidays To Many Branches (With holidays_has_branches table)
- attendance (punch-in & punch-out)
- One attendance To Many branchs (With branch_id in attendance table)
- One attendance To One User (With created_by in attendance table)
- rota (employee job time schedule)
- One rota To One User (With user_id in attendance table)
- Leave
- One leave To Many branchs (With branch_id in leave table)
- One leave To One User (With employee_id in leave table)
- One leave To One User (With approved_by in leave table)
- Eloquent: Relationships
- One To Many
- Many To Many
- Polymorphic Relationships
- git clone
- composer install
- cp .env.example .env
- php artisan key:generate
- setup database in .env
- php artisan migrate --seed
- move public/vendor/ all folders to [ROOT]/vendor
- php artisan serve
The site will run localhost:8000
//Super Admin User (View all data)
username -
password - password
// Admin User (View only his branch data)
username -
password - password
// Management User
username -
password - password
// Staff User
username -
password - password
// Accounting User
username -
password - password
$ php artisan make:model Model_name --all
- Update database/migrations, database/seeds & database/factories files
- Add this model seed in DatabaseSeeder
- Add this model Permission in app/http/Permission.php
- Creat Requests file in app/http/Requests folder for validation
- Update model, view, controller
$ php artisan make:notification leavesNotification