
Heroku buildpack for Rakudo Perl 6

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku buildpack: Rakudo Perl 6


$ git init
$ cat >META.info
   "name": "WebApp",
    "depends": [ "Bailador" ]
$ cat >app.pl
use Bailador;
get '/' => sub {
    "hello world"
baile( Int(%*ENV<PORT> || 5000) );
$ git add -A; git commit -m 'implement the app'
$ heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/pnu/heroku-buildpack-rakudo
$ git push heroku master
$ curl https://myapp-name-1234.herokuapp.com/
hello world
$ heroku run perl6 -e\'.print for ^5\'
Running `perl6 -e'.say for ^5'` attached to terminal... up, run.7985

By default this buildpack uses the version "latest" found in AWS S3 bucket https://heroku-buildpack-rakudo.s3.amazonaws.com/. You can specify the version with heroku configuration, or by adding file .rakudo-version to the root directory of the project. Eg.

$ echo "2016.03.38.g.8.df.1.a.69" >.rakudo-version
$ git add .rakudo-version; git commit -m 'set rakudo version'


$ heroku config:set BUILDPACK_RAKUDO_VERSION=2016.03

Next build will use the specified version.

New rakudo version is compiled daily with the script described below. See bucket URL above for the list of currently available versions.

Compiling rakudo

Script support/rakudo-build.sh can be used to build your own rakudo versions. The build script runs on Heroku, and uploads the compiled package to a S3 bucket. S3 credentials and bucket name are specified in the environment.

$ heroku create     # create a build server, eg. your-app-1234
$ heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxx" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yyy" S3_BUCKET_NAME="heroku-buildpack-rakudo" HEROKU_STACK="cedar-14" --app your-app-1234
$ heroku run 'curl -sL https://raw.github.com/pnu/heroku-buildpack-rakudo/master/support/rakudo-build.sh | RAKUDO_REVISION="nnn" bash' --app your-app-1234
$ heroku destroy --app your-app-1234 --confirm your-app-1234

You can use the same build server to build multiple versions concurrently. Environment variable RAKUDO_REVISION specifies the rakudo version to build. It can be anything that works for git checkout. If not specified, default is HEAD of the default branch.

Compiled package is saved as rakudo-VERSION.tgz, where VERSION is the version string given by $*PERL.compiler.version. If RAKUDO_REVISION is not specified (ie. HEAD of the default branch is built), the package is saved also as rakudo-latest.tgz.

This can be used to specify the version of rakudo to deploy (see Usage above).