
ng cli app from scratch with 100 PWA & 100 PageSpeed mobile score

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ng cli app from scratch with 100 PWA & 100 PageSpeed mobile score


* fe5ae2e        (HEAD -> master, tag: step-6, origin/master) add cache headers and lorem ipsum content
* 9a0e48d        (tag: step-5) add firebase
* 9be0bef        (tag: step-4) add manifest
* 683be9f        (tag: step-3) add @angular/material style nav
* 9ba7a32        (tag: step-2) ng g component main --module app.module
* 7c60659        (tag: step-1) ng g app-shell shell --universal-app server
* f411c1f        chore: initial commit from @angular/cli


brew install yarn   # recommended, but can use `npm` too
yarn add global @angular/cli http-server


0. Initialize basic app with sw

ng new ngsw-demo --service-worker --routing

1. add app-shell for SSR

ng g app-shell shell --universal-app server

2. add main module (frontpage)

ng g component main --module app.module
  • add import and route to app-routing module: {path: '', component: MainComponent}

3. add material elements for navigation

yarn add @angular/material @angular/cdk @angular/animations
  • Import to app.module: BrowserAnimationsModule, MatTabsModule
  • Add styles.css: @import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css";
  • Add <nav mat-tab-nav-bar> ... </nav> navigation to app.component template

4. add manifest, build SSR

  • create src/manifest.json and add it to .angular-cli.json
  • add meta to index.html
ng build --prod
hs dist

5. add firebase and deploy

firebase init
# only hosting, deploy directory is `dist`
firebase deploy
  • will score 100 for PWA but poorly on PageSpeed

6. add cache headers and content

  • add content to app.component template
ng build --prod
  • inline dist/styles...bundle.css to dist/index.html
  • correct the sha sum of index.html in dist/ngsw.json
firebase deploy
  • will score 100 & 100