This is a single resource app that uses a server side framework (Hapi), Mongoose, MongoDB to enact basic CRUD and REST to GET, PUT, PATCH and DELETE content in a database.
- Chai
- Chai-http
- gulp
- gulp-eslint
- gulp-mocha
- Mocha
Httpie - command line only
####Install dependencies
npm install
###To run:
You need to use mongod to run this application. See mongod documentation for installation and use.
####In the first terminal activate the mongod daemon to sync with the data directory in the project:
mongod --dbpath=./data
This starts the mongod deamon and will run in the background.
####In the second terminal activate app through index:
node index
This starts up the server. Make note of your port. When you start your server, the message will tell you what the port is.
####In a third terminal run your httpie REST commands to create content for your database: Use httpie
http POST localhost:5000/api/put name=Shirley instrument=violin actor='Karen Scott'
This will post a data object to the database created with mongoose.connection.
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI || 'mongodb://localhost/pf_db')
And will add to the name, instrument and actor properties the values assigned.
###GET Get all Partridge family members
http POST localhost:5000/api/pf
###DELETE Delete family member from database by by finding their unique mongo _id and it adding to /api/delete/
http POST localhost:5000/api/delete/{pfId}
npm test