
Local Kubernetes cluster for use with Windows/Mac under Docker Desktop

Primary LanguageShell


Local Kubernetes Cluster

This repo is design to enable a Kubernetes cluster environment for use in development.

The cluster hosts services such as a single instance of Redis and MongoDB.

Machine setup

Docker Desktop

This Kubernetes setup relies on an installation of Docker Desktop . Once installed make sure to enable Kubernetes on the Docker Desktop dashboard.

Cluster Setup

Execute the one time init script. Optionally, include the local_cluster_host argument pointed at your ngrok origin, ie: https://some-unique-subdomain.ngrok.io. But all other arguments are required to run the init script.


$ ./one-time-init.sh \
  --local_cluster_host localk8s.ngrok.io \
  --docker_username <docker-username> \
  --docker_password "<docker-password>" \
  --docker_email <docker-email> \
  --github_token <github-readonly-token>

For ease, copy the command above into init.sh and execute it. The init.sh is automatically excluded from github and may be deleted after use.

Starting and stopping the Local K8s cluster

On MacOS





On Windows





Access local gateway rouer

{sudo} kubectl port-forward --address service/hydra-router-cluster-ip-service 80:5353
kubectl port-forward --address service/redis-cluster-ip-service 6379:6379

Optional: using ngrok

 ./ngrok.exe http --subdomain=cjus 80

Use of Redis

This repo uses RedisStack to enable a local Redis server. It's highly recommended that you consider using RedisInsight to access the Redis Service.

Download a version for your OS: https://redis.io/docs/stack/insight/#download-the-latest-redisinsight