
O'Brien Family Cookbook

Primary LanguageHTML

O'Brien Family Cookbook

This is the O'Brien Family Cookbook website, which contains some or most of our favorite family recipes. No more do you have to search your email for an email you were sent 8 years ago that is now potentially out of date!

This repo itself is a middleman powered blog that has been altered a bit to work as a cookbook. The theme is provided by the middleman-casper project.

Making Changes


You will need a modern ruby (I am currently using 2.3.x) and a modern install of rubygems. Once those two requirements are satisfied cd into the cookbook directory and type bundle to get all dependencies installed locally.

Running the web server

Once prerequisites are installed, cd to the repo and type middleman to start the web server. You can now browse to http://localhost:4567 to view the site. The only thing that doesn't work is search since the middleman-search gem will need a search index that is not built until deploy time.

Adding a recipe

All recipes can be found in source/recipes. The file name should be recipe-name.html.markdown and the recipe should follow this recipe template. Once you add a file to the directory you should be able to hit refresh in your browser and have the recipe show up in the recipe list.

Pushing your changes

docker run -v ${PWD}:/myapp -it poblahblahblah/cookbook:latest middleman build --build-dir build/site

Building the container

docker build . -t cookbook:latest
docker tag cookbook:latest poblahblahblah/cookbook:latest
docker push poblahblahblah/cookbook:latest