git-deploy-php is a simple php-based tool that deploys your Git repositories to FTP/SFTP servers, and keeps them updated automatically.
- 3
Unable to make deploy using sftp
#90 opened by alcarazolabs - 1
Environment Variables based configuration
#87 opened by gphg - 0
Can we add an option which runs composer update on server after deployment, if composer.json was found ?
#86 opened by GitSahib - 2
Deploy only subdirectory, not git root
#76 opened by plashenkov - 0
ERROR: Unknown git-diff status: f
#85 opened by ftechhelp - 0
Cross Platform Prompt
#83 opened by agung-wete - 3
Add colours to logMessages in console?
#77 opened by soulrelic616 - 2
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Composer Install ERROR
#80 opened by djmassive - 2
Script halted
#78 opened by louisluu - 1
git-deploy with Travis CI
#75 opened by teanocrata - 0
Log file
#74 opened by teanocrata - 4
- 1
FTP 421 Error
#72 opened by fernandodsc - 3
Can i use on the ubuntu machine
#71 opened by rakeshkumar125 - 7
- 0
Recursive remove does not work on FTP
#69 opened by newelement - 2
- 2
Error trying to execute
#68 opened by newelement - 8
Project Local Path
#34 opened by will3m - 0
Improve SensioLabsInsight score.
#67 opened by pocketarc - 0
Pre/Post-deploy hooks
#65 opened by tjans - 19
Not running properly for me
#63 opened by saurabhjain1592 - 9
FTP Password
#43 opened by edukarma - 1
default file permissions in deploy.ini
#62 opened by zdenekgebauer - 2
Question: Is clean_directories[] recursive?
#58 opened by bobrocke - 0
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Skip unmodified files
#55 opened by aistis- - 5
- 2
Question: Can git-deploy-php run globally?
#59 opened by bobrocke - 6
git source?
#57 opened by lgwapnitsky - 1
- 5
- 4
Is it working?
#54 opened by maskas - 4
- 9
Creates empty files on server
#48 opened by astroanu - 5
Unable to access the git repository's folder.
#52 opened by nolfranklin - 1
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Ignore directories
#46 opened by GesJeremie - 0
Create unit tests
#38 opened by pocketarc - 0
Would be nice to have ignore_directories setting
#50 opened by maskas - 5
Submodule (Plugin/DragDropEditor) deploy error
#44 opened by maskas - 2
Custom ini files at deploy time
#47 opened by astroanu - 9
Nothing Responding
#45 opened by ajtroxell - 5
set up deploy.ini
#41 opened by ereallstaff - 2
Problem with pictures when i deploy
#30 opened by GesJeremie - 8
Upload to ftp on nitrous.io
#35 opened by dipsynl - 0
- 1
Files are copied with 0 bytes
#31 opened by gazeau - 2
Multiple branches and multiple servers
#29 opened by gavrochelegnou