
Decentralized social network based on the blockchain

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pocketnet Core

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What is Pocketcoin?

Pocketnet is a decentralized social network based on the blockchain. There is no central authority or corporation. Platform is run by equal nodes on a blockchain with no centralized server. All revenue is split between node operators and content creators. Node operators stake Pocketcoin in order to mint blocks with rewards and transactions fees. Half of rewards in each block go to content creators based on ratings their content gathers from users. Read more in the article.

What should I know?

This software allows you to participate in the work of the blockchain network - https://pocketnet.app/help.

To start a node independently, you need basic skills of working with the operating system, understanding the principle of the blockchain network. A deeper level of personal computer proficiency is welcome.


PocketnetCore is distributed in two ways: binary installer and build from source code.

Minimum system requirements:

  • 2 core x86-64 CPU
  • 4GB RAM
  • 150 GB harddrive
  • 10 Mbps internet connection

Recommended System Requirements

  • 4 core x86-64 CPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 500 GB SSD Harddrive
  • 100 Mbps internet connection
  • Publicly accessible IP address and ports


Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, etc.)

Install package with root privilegies. To do this, open the terminal in the directory where you downloaded the installer and execute commands:

$ sudo dpkg -i pocketnetcore_*_linux_x64_setup.deb


Run the pocketnetcore_*_win_x64_setup.exe and follow the instructions of the installer.
When you first start, the pocketnetcore desktop utility will ask for the location of the blockchain data directory. Default for Windows %APPDATA%/Pocketcoin, for linux ~/.pocketcoin.


Make sure that enough resources are allocated in your docker settings for the node to work from the section https://github.com/pocketnetteam/pocketnet.core#usage
You can start your node with a single command from Docker.

$ docker run -d \
    --name=pocketnet.main \
    -p 37070:37070 \
    -p 38081:38081 \
    -p 38881:38881 \
    -p 8087:8087 \
    -p 8887:8887 \
    -v /var/pocketnet/.data:/home/pocketcoin/.pocketcoin \

docker-compose (recommended)

Sample docker-compose.yml:

version: "3"
    container_name: pocketnet.core
    image: pocketnetteam/pocketnet.core:latest
    restart: on-failure
    stop_grace_period: 10m
    # Increasing the number of available file descriptors
        soft: 65536
        hard: 65536
    # Create a Volume for the Blockchain database directory
      - ~/.pocketcoin:/home/pocketcore/.pocketcoin 
      # To accept connections from other network nodes
      - 37070:37070
      # Manage node. Be careful - port 37071 opens access to your node and wallet
      - 37071:37071
      # To accept HTTP POST requests along the path
      - 38081:38081
      # TLS version of HTTP POST
      - 38881:38881
      # For the ability to establish a WebSocket connection to a node to support notifications
      - 8087:8087
      # TLS version of WebSocket (WSS)
      - 8887:8887
      driver: "local"
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"

Run via docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up -d

Control by single command

$ docker ps --format '{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}'
ea7759a47250    pocketnet.main      pocketnetteam/pocketnet.core:latest
$ docker exec -it pocketnet.main /bin/sh
$ pocketcoin-cli --help
$ pocketcoin-tx --help

More information : https://hub.docker.com/r/pocketnetteam/pocketnet.core

First full synchronization

To quickly synchronize and minimize traffic costs, you can run an empty node with additional parameters:

  • -listen=0 - disable the visibility of your node so that other novice nodes can't connect to you to download the blockchain.
  • -blocksonly=1 - specifies the mode of operation without transaction relay. In this way, the node will load the blocks as a whole, ignoring individual transactions on the network.
  • -disablewallet=1 - disables wallet mechanisms to speed up the synchronization process

After full synchronization, it is strongly recommended to disable these settings for the full operation of the node.

You can get the full list of parameters:

$ pocketcoind --help

Initialize blockchain data with database checkpoint

  1. Stop the node.
  2. Download database archive:
    # List all snapshots available at
    # Latest snapshot archive
  3. There must be archive tgz with 3 directories:
      - ...
      - ...
      - main.sqlite3
      - web.sqlite3

VERY IMPORTANT: save the wallet.dat file or wallets/ files before cleaning the directory. It is recommended to even save these files somewhere for backup.

  1. Clean out everything except wallet.dat file, wallets/ directory and pocketcoin.conf config file in the blockchain working directory and unpack the archive:
    # for unix
    $ cd ~/.pocketcoin/
    # or for windows
    $ cd %APPDATA%\Pocketcoin\
    # or for macos
    $ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Pocketcoin/
    # delete exists DB
    $ rm -r ./blocks
    $ rm -r ./chainstate
    $ rm -r ./indexes
    $ rm -r ./pocketdb
    # unpack new checkpoint DB
    # for tar.gz archive
    $ tar -xzf latest.tgz -C ./
  2. Make sure the folders and files inside are not set to "read only" (grant permissions to all files for current user via chmod -R <username> ~/.pocketcoin/ unix command)
  3. Start the node.

Get address (for PKOIN receiving) and private key info (Linux, Docker)

# get address for PKOIN receiving
$ pocketcoin-cli getnewaddress "node"
# get private key info for private safe storage
$ pocketcoin-cli dumpprivkey "<received_address>"

Build from source code

See doc/build-*.md files for build instructions.


You can get help and useful information from different sources:


Pocketnet Core is released under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0.


support@pocketnet.app - general questions

core@pocketnet.app - blockchain nodes