
Subnet setup contracts and scripts

Primary LanguagePython

Highrise Blockchain Fuji Subnet

Fuji Subnet Info

Highrise Blockchain Fuji Subnet
Subnet Name Highrise Blockchain Testnet
Subnet Logo
Subnet ID dqBXezHg6wg3TJt9F2BqingcQE1ePHt57eDDaAQfinzVRv4zz
VM ID nz4LozKDX8QAVmAkuuvLq7cHaMeGTZXe4krnS8kCaCZExoVWE
Chain Name Highrise Blockchain Testnet
Chain Logo
Blockchain ID 2nCwfcWbhGwo9fJjsk2Sqq9NrxttyLuVm1qStNSkYvNVw5wKtJ
Eth Chain ID 8184
RPC URL https://subnets.avax.network/pocket-worlds/testnet/rpc
Description Highrise vision is to use blockchain technology to bring true digital ownership to Highrise citizens. By expanding from a single Highrise 101 tower to multiple self- governed towers, our goal is to become a true digital nation with our own economy and reserve currency.
Site https://www.highrise.game
Multicall2 contract 0x0B5d620cF5Bb99e1a58fF6e3628687D51c0Ac94c
Faucet 0x2352D20fC81225c8ECD8f6FaA1B37F24FEd450c9

Fuji Subnet Contracts

Contract Address Description
VaultProxyAdmin 0x0300000000000000000000000000000000000000 Auxiliary contract assigned as admin of VaultProxy (TransparentUpgradeableProxy)
VaultProxy 0x0100000000000000000000000000000000000000 TransparentUpgradeableProxy contract deployed at blackhole address that collects gas
Vault 0x0300000000000000000000000000000000000001 Proxy implementation for Highrise Blockchain Vault

Social links

Type URL
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/highrise
Twitter https://twitter.com/HighriseApp
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/highrisegame
Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@joinhighrise
Discord https://discord.com/invite/hcc
Medium https://medium.com/pocketworlds