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L2SS Footprint Lambda function

Table of Content


forge is built to be used within Cumulus ecosystem. It is depending on cumulus CMA (Cumulus Documentation). Please refer to the Usage section for inputs and outputs. Forge itself is a lambda function which runs on top of CMA as its lambda layer.


Building and deploying Forge is a manual process until the Jenkins pipeline template is applied to this project.

Update project version

Works similar to poetry version <bump_rule>.

./gradlew bumperVersionPrerelease     # e.g.  0.5.0 --> 0.5.1-alpha.0 and 0.5.1-alpha.0 --> 0.5.1-alpha.1
./gradlew bumperVersionPatch          # e.g.  0.5.1-alpha.1 --> 0.5.1 and 0.5.1 --> 0.5.2
./gradlew bumperVersionMinor          # e.g.  0.5.0-alpha.2 --> 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 --> 0.6.0
./gradlew bumperVersionPreminor       # e.g.  0.6.0 --> 0.7.0-alpha.0

Test can be run using the command

./gradlew test

This will produce a test report in build/reports/tests/test/index.html

Build Software

To build the software, first set the version of the software in build.gradle

Then, to build the project simply run:

./gradlew buildZip

Build local jar to run footprint

./gradlew shadowJar

You need java 11 to run the jar locally

java -cp build/libs/footprint.jar FootprintCLI <granule> <collection config>


java -cp build/libs/footprint.jar FootprintCLI test.nc test.cfg
Then, to build the project simply run:
./gradlew buildZip

Output current version to standard output line.  Donot forget the -q (quiet) command line option
./gradlew currVersion -q

List all tasks in group.  group is defined inside task
./gradlew tasks

To set arbitary version into project. There is no version validation in this task
Please be aware there is no vaidation of input. Any input string will be set to current version
./gradlew setCurrentVersion -Pargs=3.2.0

This will produce a zip file in build/libs with the version number in the name. This zip file is used by the AWS lambda. build.sh is a temporary solution to build forge module (lambda code and terraform script) and push forge artifact to CAE artifactory.

How to load and use forge module

Project using forge can include/use the forge as following:
    module "forge_module" {
    // Required parameters
    # source = "https://cae-artifactory.jpl.nasa.gov/artifactory/general-develop/gov/nasa/podaac/cumulus/forge/release-version/forge-release-version.zip"
    prefix = var.prefix
    region = var.region
    cmr_environment = var.cmr_environment

    config_bucket = "my-internal"
    config_dir    = "dataset-config"

    footprint_output_bucket = "my-internal"
    footprint_output_dir    = "dataset-footprint"

    lambda_role = module.cumulus.lambda_processing_role_arn
    layers = [var.cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_version_arn]
    security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.no_ingress_all_egress.id]
    subnet_ids = var.subnet_ids

    resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "forge_task" {
    name              = "${module.forge_module.forge_function_name}"
    retention_in_days = var.task_logs_retention_in_days
    tags              = merge(local.tags, { Project = var.prefix })
and the module input variables explained as below.
field name type default values description
prefix string (required) A prefix string of lambda function. Ex. prefix = "sample" , created lambda : sample-forge
region string (required) AWS region where forge lambda is running upon. Ex. us-west-2
cmr_environment string (required) dev, sit, ops
config_bucket string (required) bucket where dataset config resides
config_dir string (required) directory where dataset config file resides. dataset-config file follows the collection_shortname.cfg pattern. Ex. MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0.cfg
footprint_output_bucket string (required) bucket where footprint file is created and written
footprint_output_dir string (required) output directory of created footprint(fp) file. file will be created as s3://footprint_output_bucket/footprint_output_dir/collection_short_name/granule_id.fp. ex. s3://my-cumulus-internaldataset-footprint/ MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.fp
lambda_role string (required) aws user role to run forge lambda
layers list(string) (required) list of layers' arn where forge runs upon.
security_group_ids list(string) (required) security group ids
subnet_ids list(string) (required) subnet ids where forge runs within
module output variables
field name type default values description
forge_function_name string (required) The name of deployed forge lambda function
forge_task_arn string (required) Forge lambda aws arn

Forge Input

Cumulus message with granules payload. Example below

  "granules": [
      "files": [
          "filename": "s3://bucket/file/with/checksum.dat",
          "checksumType": "md5",
          "checksum": "asdfdsa"
          "filename": "s3://bucket/file/without/checksum.dat",

Forge Output

  • A footprint file will be created under configured footprint_output_bucket and footprint-output-dir. filename as granuleId.fp. Ex. s3://my-cumulus-internaldataset-footprint/ MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.fp
  • A file object will be appended to the files[] of processed granule. Example:
  "granules": [
      "granuleId": "20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0",
      "dataType": "MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0",
      "sync_granule_duration": 2603,
      "files": [
          "bucket": "my-protected",
          "path": "MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/2020/001",
          "filename": "s3://my-protected/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.nc",
          "size": 18232098,
          "name": "20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.nc",
          "checksumType": "md5",
          "checksum": "aa5204f125ae83847b3b80fa2e571b00",
          "type": "data",
          "url_path": "{cmrMetadata.CollectionReference.ShortName}",
          "filepath": "MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.nc",
          "duplicate_found": true
          "bucket": "my-public",
          "path": "MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/2020/001",
          "filename": "s3://my-public/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.nc.md5",
          "size": 98,
          "name": "20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.nc.md5",
          "type": "metadata",
          "url_path": "{cmrMetadata.CollectionReference.ShortName}",
          "filepath": "MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.nc.md5",
          "duplicate_found": true
          "bucket": "my-public",
          "filename": "s3://my-public/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.cmr.json",
          "size": 1617,
          "name": "20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.cmr.json",
          "type": "metadata",
          "url_path": "{cmrMetadata.CollectionReference.ShortName}",
          "filepath": "MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.cmr.json",
          "etag": "\"3e5b9259c5ee7eae5fe71467f151498b\""
          "bucket": "my-internal",
          "filename": "s3://my-internal/dataset-footprint/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.fp",
          "filepath": "dataset-footprint/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.fp",
          "size": 452,
          "name": "20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.fp",
          "type": "metadata"