- 1
when the spatial search polygon area is too large it doesn't find granules.
#106 opened by viviant100 - 0
Add cps filtering to spatial search cmr api
#131 opened by jbyrne6 - 4
Granule Footprint More Accurate Polygon Metadata
#82 opened by jbyrne6 - 0
"My Data" Page Bug Fix
#95 opened by viviant100 - 0
Reword product statuses to make more user friendly
#128 opened by jbyrne6 - 0
Improve polygon spatial search time in UI
#126 opened by jbyrne6 - 1
Update UI npm packages
#124 opened by jbyrne6 - 1
Update Filter using new backend filter options
#114 opened by viviant100 - 0
As an end user, I want to be able to access the product ID for each job so that I can use it for debugging purposes.
#115 opened by viviant100 - 0
- 0
swodlr-ui with only resolution selection
#107 opened by viviant100 - 0
Jack McNelis UTM Notes
#108 opened by jbyrne6 - 0
Alex Feedback Session - 1/19/2024
#85 opened by jbyrne6 - 0
As a user, I want to be able to pick the same config from “My Data” tab for re-runs
#104 opened by viviant100 - 0
Add filename to each selected granule
#101 opened by viviant100 - 0
Implement My Data page Pagination
#71 opened by viviant100 - 1
Interactive Tutorial Bugs (Part 2)
#92 opened by viviant100 - 1
Curtis and Shailen Feedback Session - 1/25/2024
#84 opened by jbyrne6 - 0
UI site responsiveness
#96 opened by viviant100 - 0
UI Bug Fixes (Part 2)
#93 opened by viviant100 - 0
- 1
- 2
- 0
Implement My Data page filtering
#70 opened by viviant100 - 10
UI Bug Fixes (Part 1)
#72 opened by viviant100 - 6
Interactive Tutorial Bugs (Part 1)
#83 opened by jbyrne6 - 0
Make UI alerts more descriptive
#74 opened by viviant100 - 0
Enable Smart Handoff
#46 opened by viviant100 - 0
Smart Handoff
#19 opened by viviant100 - 0
Site tutorial
#75 opened by viviant100 - 0
- 3
Implement button to start spatial search
#73 opened by viviant100 - 0
Update default web page description
#79 opened by frankinspace - 1
Develop user friendly search for general user
#49 opened by viviant100 - 0
Get basemap with borders
#76 opened by viviant100 - 5
- 1
Publish UMM-T Record for SWODLR
#45 opened by viviant100 - 1
Missing pages not routing to 404
#58 opened by frankinspace - 1
Server side verification/lookup of user selected raster definition configuration
#23 opened by viviant100 - 2
- 1
Implement BrowserRouter for request routing
#56 opened by frankinspace - 0
#59 opened by viviant100 - 1
Swodlr UI integrate logout endpoint
#36 opened by jbyrne6 - 5
Create default 404 page
#53 opened by frankinspace - 0
- 1
- 0
Deploy UI to SIT
#31 opened by viviant100 - 1
Populate "About" Page
#24 opened by viviant100 - 1
Implement feedback request
#26 opened by viviant100 - 1